✅Do More Save Less Challenge - Coming Soon

I read a hint about getting rid of clothing. Buy some stick-on dots from the dollar store. Put a sticker on each piece of clothing. Take sticker off as you wear it. After a year, go through your clothes. If they have a sticker you haven't worn it in a year so probably safe to get rid of.
Or be like me and think "Of course that will come back into fashion if I live long enough".
I heard a variation of this hack. You hang up everything in the closet but put the hangers on the rack backwards. After you wear something and wash it and put it back, you put the hanger in the normal way. Then at the end of the year you can see what clothes are still hanging the wrong way and donate them. Obviously there are some nuances, like you might not wear a formal outfit for a year but might need it the next year for a wedding or something.
Still chipping away at this iceberg of clothing to sort, organize, purge….
This is “my side of the closet” top shelf still needs work.
DFCDEB57-3211-4327-BAC2-9782DB60BF32.jpeg This is after I have kulled 4 totes like this one and at least 1 trash bag for donation over the last 12 months… here is tote number 4, so far…

These stories we all see & share about socks…. Yeah here’s my humourous number:


That grocery bag on the right side of the table is filled with what I have successfully matched up for the kiddos “this morning.”
In the picture of my side of the closet, in the lower right corner you see to fabric boxes- 1.75 of them are the socks that fit me from the sorting out from the laundry basket of mismatched socks…. This sock thing has been a begrudgingly accomplished task and it has been surprisingly easy and almost felt like solving a 500 piece puzzle - at this point. I just found a bunch more to “air fluff” in the dryer so I’ll be tackling them shortly….
I have been known to wear mismatched socks around my place and in boots when going to town. They still perform their intended function.
I did start buying 6 pairs all the same when I was working.
I think that I bought a dozen pairs at a time and still have new ones that I have not yet worn.

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