➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

Speaking of anatomy, would you guys be interested in a clinical quail anatomy or home necropsy tutorial? I've learned quite a bit from my veterinary studies that has definitely helped me with understanding these little guys and am thinking of making a down and dirty run through of the important stuff in a few weeks when these guys head off to freezer camp
You're not having the best of luck with eggs lately!
I detached the turner and will turn by hand for now. The motor doesn't quite fit and I've sent an email to GQF Manufacturing's support to see if they either have the right motor or have a suggestion to keep it from constantly dumping my eggs.
Yeah mine were so cold lol also I took my gloves off so that might be why lol the shavings were sticking to the gloves so I took them off to put shavings in the little coop which took a while cause the door was still up at first/wasn’t sure I wanted to use the whole thing so I put them in bunch by bunch lol then finally decided to take it off and dump the other half in. :lau

And oh wow that’s good you checked! Their water was frozen too. Need to buy another heated bowl for them hahah
the aviary has a heated waterer and the male bunny still has 1 too....but the one on the female’s cage shorted out and killed the plug and extension cord a couple months ago and because it hasn’t been really cold, I hadn’t replaced it :oops:
@Kiki This is the "your fault" batch that I just set
30 Falb Fee (replacement for the drop kicked batch)
30 Mystery
30 mystery??....i’m sooo excited to see those!! i couldn’t remember what kiki twisted your arm to bid on 😂 i’m thinking that batch may include panda!!! :celebrate
the aviary has a heated waterer and the male bunny still has 1 too....but the one on the female’s cage shorted out and killed the plug and extension cord a couple months ago and because it hasn’t been really cold, I hadn’t replaced it :oops:

That’s understandable! It’s almost spring here so I haven’t wanted to buy another heated bowl haha
I grew up with bullmastiffs. All mastiffs are just ridiculous.🥰
i thought Shaq’s neopolitan mastiffs were cool when i worked with them in Florida!! those are really the only mastiffs i’ve really been exposed to i want to say the female was around 150# and the male was tipping the scales at around 180# and they had beautiful blue coats!

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