➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

So what's your plan for loading it up, just see how many eggs you can get in a week or order some and do some of your own? I'm excited to hear.hkw you like it.
Well I have about 50 I collected over 5 days that I’m setting in the old incubator tonight or tomorrow, then I plan to collect for 7 days and set what I have. I’m hoping for about 90.
I’m sorry, I forgot to add, it apparently is set it and forget it. It does everything itself. But I haven’t open it yet.
i got the 28 ex and i love it so far, but i haven’t gotten around to hooking up the automatic humidity yet :oops:
I candled about 1/3 of the eggs in the incubator this morning. Someone isn't doing their job. 12 of the home grown eggs that I candled are clear.

I removed two cracked eggs. One was one of the shipped eggs, one was a HG. All of the shipped eggs that I candled showed signs of development, and most were moving.
I got a huge egg from one of my young hens, I candled it and it looks like only 1 yolk. I’m putting it in the incubator to see if it develops. The yolk inside looks normal sized so it’s a lot of egg white. The dark one above it is from my hen who lays the largest eggs, this is so big considering it’s her first week laying.

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