10 Baby Wood Ducks (1st thought they were Mallards)



7 Years
Jul 29, 2016
Shelter Island, New York
I started this post in an established thread under another topic, but thought I would re-post it here for help and input.

Late yesterday, baby mallards were trapped in a storm drain. 4-5 people got together to rescue them. Mama mallard was around for a time, but then left. (I live in a semi-residential/rural area.) Since it was late, the babies would not be safe from predators if they left them on site. Only a little distance away, a friend lost her whole flock of hens to a predator (except the lone survivor, who now lives with my hens -- we call her Lucky).

One of the rescuers is our town's wildlife/animal person (not sure of exact title). She also works full-time at a shelter and part-time at a turtle rescue. Another one of my friends was there. I know they would have left the babies on-site if they thought they would be safe and successfully reunited with the mother. They checked this morning to see if the mother was around, and she wasn't.

About 6:30-7:00 pm, I got a call, and I rushed together some accommodations for these little ones. I am less than a week away from getting more chicks for my tiny flock (I have 3 hens), so I had a lot of the resources on hand. Suffice to say, the 10 ducklings slept well in a large plastic container with a mama cave, water, and crumbles (albeit, chick crumbles).

This morning, I made them some mash with lettuce, corn, carrots, and mealy worms. Just a few minutes ago, I made up a finely mashed mix of hard boiled egg and mealy worms. My husband also brought home duckling crumbles (22% protein). Also this morning, I added a scant of water to my work sink, temperature was tepid, and let the ducklings splash about a bit.

They're starting to settle in, although I still have jumpers trying to work their way out of the box.

Any help or advice is appreciated!

Now, for the pictures!
baby mallards 1.jpg
Yes they will eat it fine. I always make it into a wet mash for the first 2 weeks.

Starter mash is a great suggestion. Thanks! They are eating the finely smashed hard boiled egg and mealy worm, and I'm happy to see them finally eat.

What about that getting into water for swim (this time they just got their feet wet, splashed, and drank)?

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