10+ New Hampshire hatching eggs

I'm thinking...

Wife or those eggs...

I can't decide!
It's not over yet, I might not win them, but I do know that Gjensen is going to have to pay big for them if he wants them, cause I'm not done just yet.
I would consider bumping the bid.....but that did not exactly work out well last time! Got stuck with a project bantam male for three months before I sold him. "Won" him at $7 and sold him for $10. Not sure how much feed he ate in the three months. Nope, my luck is I would win and have to explain to my wife what I had done. She alreedy thinks eveyone bidding is nuts! Plus my barn is not heated.
Just wondering, what did they sell for?

$200.25, I think. I could see if they were an amazing pair or trio, but for eggs??? And shipped eggs at that??? I would trust the breeder, most likely, but not the post office.
That was just out of control. Blue eggs are not that hard to come by.
Well, I will say these are the best stock I've ever seen.

And I promised my son some of Kathy's eggs or chicks this year.

So still debating.

I really love my wife, she's a great cook and puts up with me... But just LOOK at those birds!
Now folks, stop and count the cost! Gas here is just over $3 a gallon. How many miles is it to Missouri? Whoever now wins these eggs will have to drive to get them. You definitely can trust kathyinmo, but can you trust the USPS? If you do ship the eggs, maybe you should have her sneak them in with some cheap chicks from a Missouri hatchery. Or at least ship them in a baby chick box. If they think they are chicks, maybe the mailman will take better care of them. Although, last year I opened a box and found 22 DEAD baby ducklings. If it were I, paying over $200 for these eggs, I would rent a Cadillac or Lexis etc and drive and get them!

mississippifarmboy, how good a cook is your wife? Is she really that good of a cook? You promised your son! Choose you this day who you will serve.... surly she will understand. Tell her your finger slipped and "accidentally" hit the submit bid button. Or blame it on your son. You left the computer on and were logged in to BYC and the son bid, not you. Hey, just blame the dog!

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