11 week old pullet that’s very sick


Jul 6, 2020

I have an 11 week old Australorp pullet that was being hen pecked about 5 days ago. I removed her immediately. I’ve had her in a crate, with food and water. She had a spot on her head that was pecked by the other hens. I cleaned and have been treating it with Microcyn poultry spray and hen helper ointment. She seemed to be doing ok for about 4 days and yesterday her wing started drooping. She’s twisting her head underneath her droopy left wing. Her bowel movements have been green and white with no blood. She will not eat and I’ve started giving her sugar water along with poultry liquid vitamins.I had no success in finding a vet in my area that treats poultry. There are times where she can’t seem to balance herself. Today I noticed her bottom is bright red and missing feathers. I preventatively dusted her for mites earlier in the week. I clean her crate daily and change the bedding. I’m not sure what to do at this point. Her two sisters are well in their own coop and run. They are separated from my 6 RIR hens. My gut tells me something may have been wrong with her since I purchased her about a week ago. I attached some pictures and I’d be ever so grateful of any help and advice. Thank you


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She could be low in pecking order, have coccidiosis, or ahe might be showing signs of Mareks or something else. Very hard to know without knowing how she was being raised before she came to you. You could get some Corid and try treating her for possible coccidiosis, and try to get her eating and drinking. Scrambled soft egg, wet muchy chicken feed with water, and tuna or some things that many chickens will eat. Corid should not be given along with vitamin supplements, so if you do not treat with Corid, I would give her something like Poultry NutriDrench that has vitamins and electrolytes. If she was in a larger flock with multiage birds, coccidiosis or even worms might be a problem.
If her neck is twisted, and it stays like that, it may be wry neck which can be a sign of Mareks, a head injury from the pecking or a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin E 400 IU is usually given for that. Is her wing always drooping?
She could be low in pecking order, have coccidiosis, or ahe might be showing signs of Mareks or something else. Very hard to know without knowing how she was being raised before she came to you. You could get some Corid and try treating her for possible coccidiosis, and try to get her eating and drinking. Scrambled soft egg, wet muchy chicken feed with water, and tuna or some things that many chickens will eat. Corid should not be given along with vitamin supplements, so if you do not treat with Corid, I would give her something like Poultry NutriDrench that has vitamins and electrolytes. If she was in a larger flock with multiage birds, coccidiosis or even worms might be a problem.
Thank you for your help.
If her neck is twisted, and it stays like that, it may be wry neck which can be a sign of Mareks, a head injury from the pecking or a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin E 400 IU is usually given for that. Is her wing always drooping?
Her wing is always drooping. Right now she’s standing up which seems to be a good sign as she was laying all last night and this morning.

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