12 week old chick with an injured leg- maybe a sprain??


9 Years
Mar 13, 2010
Lancaster PA
ACK- I just came in from the coop to find my favorite (of course) girl holding her left leg up. She was chirping an unusual chirp, trying to get up the plank from the run. The other three were already in.

The welded wire top of the mini-coop (where they were raised and can get away from the two adults) was caved in. I had been using rock to hold the corners down. I'm not sure if that's where she got hurt, but it probably is.

There is no blood, no obvious swelling, but it is painful for her. She will hobble on it, but will hold it up and hop too. It feels warmer than the other leg. Do I leave her be? Put her in the mini-coop for rest? Keep all of them in from the run tomorrow (they stay out almost all day, by choice)? Is there an equivalent to aspirin etc. for chickens?

thanks, Lee
Yes, you can give 1/2 baby aspirin dissolved in water and given by eye dropper up to 3x per day to help relieve pain and swelling. It is best to isolate the one chicken in dog crate or wire cage with her own food and water. It helps protect her from further injury, assures she isn't kept away from food/water by the other birds, and will help to rest the leg so it can heal.
I have to work today, but I told my husband he may need to separate her from the others. She might hurt herself trying to keep up.
I just checked on her, she's still holding her leg up, but can put it down. She lays down when she can. I'm going to leave the 4 of them in the coop today. I'll have to wait until tonight to do the aspirin, though. Poor baby.
Came home, still gimpy, no swelling or anything. She stayed in the coop today- but it's big, about 16x24... She likes to lay down when she can. Poor baby. Maybe some aspirin tomorrow.
Mine still hobbled and layed down alot but it still took almost a full month before she did not limp at all. The others were mean to her I had to make sure she got food and water

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