1588 Hovabator


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I was looking at a 1588 hovabator for 110$ and was wondering if that is a good price----for those who have one----and I was wondering what type of thermostat it has---it says it is already set but does not say what kind it is
If you are asking if it has a wafer the answer is no. It has its own preset enclosed thermostat wired to the fan.

I would only buy direct from GQF. They are $115 plus shipping. However, for that extra $5 you are getting excellent customer service and product support. Questions get answered by the people who invented and designed the Hovabator. I don't like middle men when I can buy direct.

I had a problem with a new 1588 and was shipped a replacement next day. No questions asked.
Thanks Yep I found GQF and will be ordering from them----I suppose the thermometer they give you is not worth much though is it?
Do I need to buy another Accurite?
I have one but its in use. I ordered all these eggs and they are coming in two weeks and realised I just cant incubate them all in my homemade bator.
You won't be sorry you got the 1588. I've got 2 of them plus a 1590 which is the older model and I really like them a lot. Soon you'll be ordering another...and then another......

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