16 week old Pullet or Roo?


6 Years
Aug 26, 2013
New to raising chickens. I purchased day old chicks from MPC. They are now 16 weeks old. I believed they were all pullets until week 14 when I noticed one Rhode Island Red with a pronounced wattle and comb. It looks like it popped over night. The other RIR just started to develop her wattle and comb week 16, so I believe she is a pullet. I can't see any other differences. Her legs are a bit thicker. Feathers the same. Can they develop at different rates? or is she a Roo? When they were chicks they both had the line down the head.

This one is tricky. I'm going to say pullet because I would expect to see more saddle feathers near the base of her tail at 16 weeks of age. And at 16 weeks I'd expect to hear crowing.

To answer your question about development, yes pullets will develop differently. You'll see some with thick legs while others appear to have less 'bone'.
Its a pullet who may surprise you with an egg sooner than later. they don't get their pronounced waddles and Combs until they start to lay usually. They also go from pale Combs to red ones
Thanks everyone for responding so quickly. You made my morning. She was developing so quickly we thought she might be a roo.
aww, thanks. That is Lucy. She is an English Springer Spaniel. Yes, a BIRD dog. She has a gentle but sometimes crazy personality. It was their first time they were face to face. I let the chicken free range that day. Both loved it. I have 2 other ESS that will need to meet the girls outside to run. Not sure that will go as well. Taking it slow.
Can't believe we could get eggs so soon. I better open up the nesting boxes.

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