18 chickens lost today

You should call Animal Control on the so called trainer... Keeping animals without water is downright cruel... People like that make me sick.. I feel bad for your loss but the dog was doing what it was trained to do, to most dogs it comes natural, just like it is for our chickens to chase and eat bugs. Do you have a leash law, in your area? Sorry for your loss.
I have a call out to my local animal enforcement about the conditions of this so called kennel.

I am glad that you have called Animal Control. I can't believe this trainer would abuse these dogs like that! He was intrusted by their owners to take care of them and train them...
So sorry, but I would seek whatever reimbursement you could from the trainer. Hurting his pocket will make him take better care in securing the dogs. BTW how can he train the dogs off leash? Sounds like this could happen again. Big sign...trespassers even the four legged variety will be shot.
It's for sure that the trainer can't claim it wasn't one of his trainees now. Dang, I can't even imagine how I'd feel if something/anything killed all my chickens in one day... too unnerving to think about. Sorry for your having that experience.
AWE !! I'm so sorry to hear this. I LOVE my chickens and can't image this happening to my babies !!
So sorry for YOUR loss.
The only thing I would have done is NOT call the owner or trainer. You will likely have to deal with them in one way or another. Better, in my opinion, to let them think the dog ran away and YOU don't have the grief of dealing with them.
The neighbors dog came through my fence and my big dogs killed it. I was sorry but simply buried the dog. The neighbod kid came over and asked if I had seen his dog and I didn't heva the heart to tell him what happened so I just said maybe it just wondered off.
I'm not afraid of a fight but sometimes I figure it is easier to just keep a .45, ammo and a shovel handy. No questions, No explainations.
Surprise surprise. The "trainer" of the bird dogs called me back. It seems he has been on vacation and got back into town late last night. (So who has been caring for his dogs since he has been gone? OR did he simply not care if they received water, food or shelter or got out?). In any case, he came over a few moments ago, very apologetic, and retreived the body of the dead dog (since animal control here in our country refused to come onto my property to get said body) and paid me $10.00 per chicken for a total of $180.00. I also gave him the dog collar I removed from the dead dog. I also told him I called the actual owner, the police who came out and the local animal control folks. So hopefully changes will be made in his kennel. The county animal control folks told me they had had several complaints against this guy before and when they went out to look, all they could charge him with was inadequate shelter. I hope that after this they will really take a better look at the dogs. Thus said, I hope too my chickens will be safer if he takes better care of the animals in his care. But I would hope more that he would not have his dogs anymore. I hope that I have rattled enough he will actually move them to another location.(But that may not resolve any future abuse he may do towards dogs in his care.).
Why is it that supposed "trainers", wheather they be dog trainers, horse trainers or any type of trainer, usually resorts to abuse in order to get a certain response from the animals they are supposed to be training? look at the gaited horses, in the past alot of trainers sored the legs/feet of the horses in order to get them to lift their feet higher. Entertainment using animals have often used prods of various torture devices to get a trick or response. Still abuse if you ask me.
Well now I will step down off my soap box. I just got fired up I guess. I'm glad I have some type of aknowledgement/reimbursement from the guy. It will not however heal my heart or take away my memories of dead babies or having to put the dog down, but it does help somewhat.
Thanks for listening guys
My friend I am very sorry for your losses. I admire your tenacity sp? I also encourage you to seek recompensation. You made the first correct steps by contacting law enforcement and animal control. Please get a copy of the report and assess the value of your losses. submit a documented bill and see if he will pay. Then file a civil sute if he refuses. There are past threads of people who follow procedures and educate and gain some recompensation. It helps all of us to make sure dog owners are responsable for their pets!
Hang in there!

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