19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

Beauties! Congratulations!
Hey Bruce - you hit the egg on the button, as it were! Two more eggs yesterday and I just found another. Must have just laid it because it was still warm when I found it. Cool! I still missed the egg song, being Saturday I was able to be out in the coop with the gang for an extended period of time and thought I'd be witness to the laying. Unfortunately, I left for 30minutes to shower and when I returned there it was
. Im thinking there might be another when i get home from the store, hehehe. Have a great weekend !
I have 3 hens that have been laying for about 6 months now and none of them have ever done the egg song, ever. They go up into the nesting box and lay those eggs without so much as a peep. So..... you may not be missing anything. I actually prefer it this way since it's much quieter and I'm sure my neighbors appreciate it as well.
I have 3 hens that have been laying for about 6 months now and none of them have ever done the egg song, ever. They go up into the nesting box and lay those eggs without so much as a peep. So..... you may not be missing anything. I actually prefer it this way since it's much quieter and I'm sure my neighbors appreciate it as well.

Some of our hens are super loud with the egg song. But occasionally I'll be working in the coop and a hen will leave the nest box with just an apologetic sounding "bok." I wonder if it is a breed thing. I know the Rhode Island Reds are super vocal ... they'll sing for other hens' eggs (I theorize they're trying to hurry the other hens up so they can have their favorite nest box). I'm sure once the shy "bok" came from a Golden Sexlink. I'll have to start paying more attention.
Some of our hens are super loud with the egg song. But occasionally I'll be working in the coop and a hen will leave the nest box with just an apologetic sounding "bok." I wonder if it is a breed thing. I know the Rhode Island Reds are super vocal ... they'll sing for other hens' eggs

Mine are similar. One of the Cubalayas didn't sing the first two times I saw her coming out of the box and I wondered if Cubalayas don't know the song (though she'd heard it sung). She's darn vocal if she thinks there might be treats. I did hear her sing once a week or so back. One of the Faverolles will sing and not have laid an egg, she will sing if another girl is in the box. She usually sings after she lays. I guess she just likes to hear herself talk.

Like kids, they are all the same only different

:D:D, but I really want to hear the illusive egg song! Maybe it's a breed thing?
Besides, my neighbors have "accepted" my surprise roo.... They think he's quaint, lol!

I have 3 hens that have been laying for about 6 months now and none of them have ever done the egg song, ever.  They go up into the nesting box and lay those eggs without so much as a peep.  So..... you may not be missing anything.  I actually prefer it this way since it's much quieter and I'm sure my neighbors appreciate it as well.:D
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12 15 12 eggs

And I picked up the same amount today. But in checking chickens in house 1, I figure about 50% do not lay on any given day. In house 2 at best only 1/3 of the layers give an egg a day.
I found out today that my EE is laying brown eggs, darn! I really wanted to add some color to my egg cartons and see the surprise look on my little egg collectors face when she found it. Oh well, better luck next time I guess.

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