19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

I know you've been patiently waiting for your first eggs and are thinking 19 weeks is way past due, but I have an Ancona that is 50 weeks old and she STILL hasn't laid an egg! UGH!
No she isn't internally laying or externally laying or hiding her stash or susceptible to red pepper and vinegar treatments. I've tried all the tricks, she isn't falling for anyof them. Her comb is large and floppy, and she will squat as she's mounted often by the roosters. I think she's holding out for her one year anniversary in two weeks.
Of course that's not the norm, most of my layers started between 19 and 24 weeks old, with the earliest being the White Leghorn coming in just shy of her 19th week birthday.
She's a lucky lady to be so loved
Heres to a 1yr anniversary 1st EGG!!
mine all "sing", in fact theyve been singing for a long time. but still no squats and still no eggs.

anyway to the person who said their lab chased their chickens, we have 2 labs and niether bothers the chickens however our beagle does, but the chickens gang up on him lol
I have a Golden Sexlink who hatched out around March 10th who is doing the full squat for me, and has nice red combs and wattles. I know it's a wee bit early, but I'm going to start checking for eggs daily now. I don't want any of the pullets to have the chance to become egg-eaters. Yikes!!

I have a White Leghorn that's a few days older than the Sexlink but who isn't yet displaying any signs of being ready to lay. I'm very surprised by that. I had always heard that Leghorns can be counted on to start early and lay prolifically. I guess we'll see.

My other pullets are around the same age, so it's an exciting guessing game, waiting to see which pretty girl gifts us with the first egg. :).
It's a conspiracy. They know we are watching and waiting.
This is probably true. I checked every morning and every night. Momma, my oldest bird by six weeks, gave me no eggs. The one time I went to bed without checking the nest I found a cold egg the next morning that must have been there overnight because our days have been warm. Moral of the story? Buy eggs and don't check the nest too often. I got my second egg this morning and Momma made such a racket that there was no doubt what was going on.
I have 2 lavender orpingtons, Thelma & Louise) & 1 Black orpington (Suzy), all hatched together.
The 2 lavenders took forever...about 26-28 weeks before I even saw them sitting in a nestbox. The black orpington laid her first egg about 4-6 weeks before that.

It took alot of patience...that's for sure!!!
I have 10 pullets at laying age 2 red sex link 7 production reds a 1 Easter Egger they are 18 weeks old and the 2 RSL's started laying the day after they turned 16 weeks but still nothing from my PR's or my EE the PR's combs and wattles are getting bigger and redder..so I expect eggs from them in the next couple of week...Hopefully!
Our pullets just turned 17 weeks, and all 6 of them are already laying. They're the CUTEST little eggs...but I can't wait for them to get a bit bigger! :)
I was shocked when my 2 white pullets began laying at 16-1/2 weeks. I didn't even have the nesting boxes in their coop yet! My frizzle Cochin, now 20 weeks, laid her first egg today, and it must have surprised her because she was singing one heck of an egg song when I looked out to see a tiny little egg lying in the barn doorway where she stood. I'm so proud of her! Funny how excited we get over our first eggs, you'd think we laid them ourselves :lol: still waiting on my silkie... Anyone have any idea of how old they usually are before they begin laying?
Well I got a big suprise when I went to check on my group yesterday there where 4 eggs from my EE i was so excited!! There about 21 weeks old I was expecting to wait at least a few more weeks.. now waiting on my plymoth and the newer pullets who are 11 weeks. Love my Girls

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