19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

Who do you think will lay the first egg??

Clementine- 19 week Buff Orphington whos been squatting for a week, sings the egg song, has a full range of vocals, and was the first to get a bright red face and comb although its a bit small still.

Dixie- almost 19 week Silver laced Wyandotte. was the smallest of the flock since hatch. Very quiet.

Marigold- almost 19week Golden sex link. Just started finding her voice this week.

Ruby- 19 week New Hampshire Red no squatting but has a very large comb and waddles. Pretty talkative.

Stella- My EE almost 19weeks old. No squatting no color change on comb pretty quiet.

What do you think? Just for fun


Ruby and Clementine
What's the egg song? Are you being silly or is there a noise they make?
still no eggs. not even a squat! they are all fat with red combs and wattles but still no eggs..i think they are holding out on purpose
I've got 4 eggs left of my store bought eggs, I'm going to bring the carton out to the coop and tell the girls when the eggs are gone the free ride is over.
I have a lab who cant resist chasing the hens around the yard a couple times a day. Lately when she chases them around they just squat down in front of her!
Allowing this will not help your girls lay eggs. This is very stressful to them. They will squat in front of an attacking hawk too if they feel they can't get away. They squat so that the rooster can climb aboard and do his thing. Whether you have a rooster or not makes no difference.
Allowing this will not help your girls lay eggs. This is very stressful to them. They will squat in front of an attacking hawk too if they feel they can't get away. They squat so that the rooster can climb aboard and do his thing. Whether you have a rooster or not makes no difference.

When you find a way to keep a 2 yr old lab from chasing anything that moves let me know. Btw another egg today.
leash, chain, fencing and shock collar, any one or all of these items can stop that behavior. I don't mean to be rude but you have a bird dog there and allowing her to do this will eventually get your chickens eaten, unless she has undergone intense training where she won't eat them, just pick them up. Of course the shock of this could cause your birds to die anyway.

Good luck with getting a steady egg supply from your girls.
I've got 4 eggs left of my store bought eggs, I'm going to bring the carton out to the coop and tell the girls when the eggs are gone the free ride is over.
Well it worked! Got our first egg today from ... CLEMENTINE <3(19wk Buff Orphington) She sat on the nest very quietly for about an hour. I sat and watched hoping to observe the first egg in person. I got bored after the first 15 min so I let her be alone. Came back about 40 min later and.. TADAAaaa!!

Her egg is the smaller brown one. The big one is my dummy egg.
We are so proud.
I know you've been patiently waiting for your first eggs and are thinking 19 weeks is way past due, but I have an Ancona that is 50 weeks old and she STILL hasn't laid an egg! UGH!

No she isn't internally laying or externally laying or hiding her stash or susceptible to red pepper and vinegar treatments. I've tried all the tricks, she isn't falling for anyof them. Her comb is large and floppy, and she will squat as she's mounted often by the roosters. I think she's holding out for her one year anniversary in two weeks.

Of course that's not the norm, most of my layers started between 19 and 24 weeks old, with the earliest being the White Leghorn coming in just shy of her 19th week birthday.

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