19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

Ours are 20weeks and no eggs. Ive told my wife if they dont start laying, they may start smoking (or frying)
just kidding of course!
I took it away before she could finish it. I wasn't sure what to do!

I did find one little pullet egg the day before yesterday, but yesterday no egg.

I don't even eat or use eggs! I just want to SEE them. LOL. I bought four EEs and I want to see if they will lay green eggs for me. I have raised pullets in the past and never really cared or watched to see when they started laying. They always free ranged and if I found an egg here and there, it was like "Hu, an egg." But these are the first I raised from day old chicks, named, tamed, and am very connected with.
another egg for the EE. a large olive green egg. If i am right this is her 4th laid. The first was last saturday. I have got one from a new hampshire so far. So 2 out of 8 @20 1/2 wks are starting to lay.
another egg for the EE. a large olive green egg. If i am right this is her 4th laid. The first was last saturday. I have got one from a new hampshire so far. So 2 out of 8 @20 1/2 wks are starting to lay.
That's great! Seeing that first egg is so exciting. I have 11 girls and they are 17 weeks so I know I have 2-3 weeks but I get crazy....LOL!
Another from one of my EE. The girls were ranging all day so there could be a couple sitting in the woods. Dot (her name) seems to come back everyday to lay. I dropped the darn thing though while washing it off
! Oh and it was a double yoker!
I cannot wait until mine are old enough. I do have full-grown, laying hens, but my own babies that I hatched....I cannot wait to see their eggs and how they develop. I have loved every minute of my chicken experience (aside from the deaths.
) The rest of it has been really cool to be part of. NEVER thought I would like chickens this much.
I'm still waiting on my new girls, bought last Feb 25th, to start laying. I have EE's, Wyandottes and some Cochins. I'm not holding my breath on the Cochins, they're really just around for eye candy, I just love them. My older 3, 2 EEs and 1 Seabright, have been laying daily until it got into triple digits and humidity, now they're even kind of spotty. Hoping with a short break in the weather, they'll all get their 'egg pumps' primed and start laying me some eggs. I have some disappointed customers waiting!
Heck, at this point my new Guineas are laying better than the egg layers!
I have 2 SLW x Barnevelder that are approx 24 weeks old and am still waiting, mind you it has been a very cold winter for us and my chicken guy said that most people are having to wait for their pullets to start laying, thier combs are turning red finally though so fingers crossed.
My RSL started laying around 17 to 18 weeks. Still waiting on the white leghorns. The last few weeks we've had around 20 eggs. All brown, no white ones yet.

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