19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

May I join the Egg Countdown? We are waiting for our flock of replacement laying pullets to start laying - there are 5 Black Australorps, 5 BO's, 5 Partridge Rocks, and 6 Americaunas. They will be 20 weeks this Saturday. I noticed a couple of the Partridge Rocks (one in particular) whose comb and wattles are starting to get a little larger and redder! Hoping we will get that "first egg" soon!!!

On a side note, we are babysitting 6 Americauna pullets for my SIL (they are temporarily in an apartment), and one of the pullets was two weeks older than the others, and she started laying at 18 weeks, and has been pretty regular since(cute little blue egg), but one of the other pullets we discovered squatting over a fresh egg at 15 weeks! And she has kept it up since, though not quite as regular as the older pullet. We realized later that she must be 1/2 Americauna & 1/2 Brown Leghorn, from her coloring and from what the lady we got her hatching egg from told us! The leghorn half must be why she started laying so early!
It is funny though, but after realizing who was laying out of the 6 pullets, I noticed that both the two laying pullets had larger and redder combs than the others! I didn't realize that was such a sure sign before, and so that is what made me notice our Partridge Rock when her comb started growing bigger and redder!

Really hoping to start getting eggs from our main pullet flock soon! Our older hens are starting to drop the egg numbers now that the days are getting shorter...
Went from NO eggs on August 11th from my 9 girls, to the first 2 eggs laid August 12th, to 9 eggs from 9 girls TODAY!! Less than a month of waiting for the last layer to start. Thanks for letting me share.

One of the people on our thread must have seen your eggs and posted about them...when I followed the link and found it was you I had to chuckle a little bit. I am happy to see your hens are doing well and providing such great eggs. Looks like your official now, LOL
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One of the people on our thread must have seen your eggs and posted about them...when I followed the link and found it was you I had to chuckle a little bit. I am happy to see your hens are doing well and providing such great eggs. Looks like your official now, LOL
FirewifeJess, the viral spread started by me! sorry hope it's ok, i was looking at a new thread about uniquie egg color breeds and was so impressed by your perfect 9 for 9 day and your beautiful colors. I had to put a link to your picture posted on this thread, I laughed because they didn't want any white or brown eggs(shades of brown are all i have), and I thought of your basket, yes the olives and blues are amazing and so cool, but without your browns for contrast it wouldn't be the same LOL!
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I'm joining the countdown, too! I have 9 hens, all are 25 weeks..only the RIR is laying. She lays one beautiful perfect brown egg every day. Let's go, slackers!!
Aww, well thanks so much! I was also quite excited and impressed that all 9 girls laid on the same day; that's gotta be pretty rare to have that many birds and not one of them is in their "off" day.

Thanks Bairo...are you referring to the time mine might have had worms and I was worried about them? There's been all sorts of weird unexplained health things with them already and I'm actually surprised I have such great layers since I had to worm them at 3.5m/o, and they've been on Denagard once too for a respiratory thing.

Rhoise - I was surprised when so many people commented on my pic, thanks for sharing it! Glad it sparked some fun discussion
I'm going to join this thread
I have a barred rock that has been laying for 12 days now, since 18 wks 2 days, and my RIR and GSW are the same age and haven't tarted yet. They will all be 20 weeks tomorrow. I also have a cochin banty that is about 7 month old that didn't start laying either. SO, let my countdown begin! I'm really hoping that by posting in this thread they will start laying tomorrow and make me look a fool!
I started giving them cayenne pepper in their evening treat yesterday and my banty and RIR have been squawking what sounds like the beginning of an egg song so I'm hopeful that they start by next week!
Cayenne pepper?! Why?
I am in the weatherford are too...my EE's are 19 weeks and can't wait for the first egg! They took all the straw out of one of the nest boxes today and I wondered if that meant anything?
Means they are checkin out the nests and kicking things around trying to get it just the right shape for sitting...silly girls. I use a mix of things in my nests...pine shavings, pine needles, there's still some lavender in there from when I cut that back...straw...gonna put some DE in there soon too to help keep things clean.

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