19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

All summer long I've been saying there is a snake in the chicken house. My only proof being eggs under the Broody hens disappearing. Tonight when I went out to shut the doors, I saw a snake w/it's tail just leaving the ceiling and a lump in it's belly. Did a quick look around but all babies were accounted for. Went and grabbed a pitch fork and speared the sucker!!! The lump in the snake was the golf ball from one of the nest boxes!!! This snake was only 3-4 feet long. Last year I shot a 6' black snake that had eaten my day old chicks.
I'm surprised the chickens didn't eat it. I haven't had snakes around the house since the chickens have been around. They love those things. They all chase after each other to eat one.
I still have one RIR and one EE, both 26 weeks, no eggs yet, but the EE almost squatted for me today, then she realized what she was doing and took off like a shot! the EE will keep me waiting a bit longer I think, but I'm surprised the RIR is such a late bloomer... she nice and big, bigger than my other RIR who is laying, but she doesn't have the extra fluff in the rear yet, and her comb and wattles are itty bitty...
then there is the EE x Cochin Bantam, only about 19 weeks... she's so precious...
I'm surprised the chickens didn't eat it. I haven't had snakes around the house since the chickens have been around. They love those things. They all chase after each other to eat one.
Seriously, I've watched the RIRs just watch a snake mosey on by while I was running around trying to find something to stab it with. Never saw it again. But, not even a peck!!! C'mon girls. I always believed birds and snakes were enemies.

Still no eggs, but my oldest girls looked a little different in their rumps today, not sure what that means.

AND the dang crows took ANOTHER wooden egg!
Heard the egg song today
First time I heard it. To make it better.... two pullets screaming away. I let them out, ran into the chicken coop, no eggs :/ But they were in the nest box. OH yeah..... Coming up to 22 weeks.....
Heard the egg song today
First time I heard it. To make it better.... two pullets screaming away. I let them out, ran into the chicken coop, no eggs :/ But they were in the nest box. OH yeah..... Coming up to 22 weeks.....
Ah, the egg song....I'm lucky my neighbors fnd it endearing....I also offered up a couple dozen to each of them as peace offerings....
heather75...pictures??? what color is it??? I got 2 shell-less eggs yesterday early morning, figured it came from one or both of my girls that I'm still waiting on... my last EE squatted for me yesterday, so perhaps it was her... I'm dying to know what color shell hers will be. my other is a RIR so hers will be a lovely brown
the rest of my flock are late afternoon layers at this time... I'm sure it will rotate around the clock to morning eventually, nothing in the nest box this morning...except for Wilma, looking very comfy, so maybe I'll have one little cream colored egg waiting for me...

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