2.5 month old Pekin squeaks, doesn’t quack.


In the Brooder
Jun 20, 2021
My Pekins and Rouens are 2.5 months old- all of them have their big girl quacks but one. She sort of squeaks and has always made that sound. I’m sure it’s not the start of a respiratory issue because she has always made that sound. Is there something wrong or do you think she will ever quack?
I’ll try to attach a link to the video-
My Pekins and Rouens are 2.5 months old- all of them have their big girl quacks but one. She sort of squeaks and has always made that sound. I’m sure it’s not the start of a respiratory issue because she has always made that sound. Is there something wrong or do you think she will ever quack?
I’ll try to attach a link to the video-
Maybe her quackerbox just didn't develop right?
I have no idea. As long as she appears and acts healthy I wouldn't worry.
Crap my cell messed up this posted on someone elses convo lol 😂 but if anyone can tell me thatd be awesome.
No, not really in my experience. Not like a duck will sometimes quack when you pick it up in between baby peeping sounds.
Drakes usually just go from baby peep/whistling sounds to rasping kind of all the sudden.

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