2 chicks dead, 2 others look sick

@chickens really good eye! I was just about to ask about cedar:)

I don't see anything else too concerning about your set-up (except the cedar chips-get rid of those).

The poop is slightly questionable, so giving the Corid is still fine.
Since they are so tiny - even chick crumbles can sometimes be hard for them to eat. You may want to offer the chick starter wet, to see if they will eat better.
Put the water font up on Bricks so the shavings stay drier...I believe they need medicated Chick starter..Little Bantam breeds are not as strong as other breeds...Dont use a hiding box...Shine the lamp in one corner away from feed and water and they will decide how much heat they need....
The bricks is a good idea. Idk why I never though of it. The cedar chips are my bfs. I'll just have to keep a better eye out for which bag I grab lol
The box isn't for them to hide in btw. It's just like a raised platform in case they were still cold. Their poops have also gotten more normal over the last day so hopefully the corid is fixing everything. The chicks in the bin at RK looked kinda sickly tbh. I wonder how many they've lost there
Well out of 10 total chicks, 6 died. Four of the originals are still here and coming along beautiful. I realized later on that the feed bag I had been feeding them out of had mold in the bottom. So I tossed it and bought a new bag. I'm not sure at all if that's what was going on.

The corid didn't seem to help so I doubt it was cocci. I hate that I still don't know what happened cause I would love to hatch OEG chicks eventually. I don't wanna go thru this again.


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Moldy feed can kill.
I'm glad you threw it out.
Glad to hear the others are thriving.

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