2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Lucy you are doing GREAT! So sorry that one of the twins didn't make it. Sometimes that can be a blessing and you are certainly doing all you can to help the remaining baby. As you well know, "little" can be "Mighty!" and the will to live can overcome all odds. If gestation is 28 days for ducks and this little one arrived on day 25, then it is a little preemie duckling, isn't it?

We are all rooting for you, the remaining twin and for the remaining babies. Take a deep breath and keep up the good work.
I'm sorry to update with sad news, I have dreaded this since I opened the bator and found the twins had emerged from the egg. I thought at first both had died and notice the 1 was breathing very heavily. And was laying on the other duckling, I scooped her up and took a baby sucker bulb and cleaned out her nose, seemed like the right thing to do, she immediately stopped working so hard to breathe. I moved her over under the heat lamp, she's very weak :(
And very very small. I'm not sure what to do now. I want to hold her but she needs heat so I'm leaving her be. The other duckling sadly died, it was fully formed except it's little webbed feet were missing. Which explains how they both fit maybe, idk :(
The odds were against me and I did everything I could, and now have to focus on the surviving one, idk what to do :( she's itty bitty and weak..Any advice would be helpful..

You did your very best and that's what counts. :thumbsup

I'd give the one that made it some electrolytes or sugar water to give it a little boost and some niacin as well.
I'm sorry to update with sad news, I have dreaded this since I opened the bator and found the twins had emerged from the egg. I thought at first both had died and notice the 1 was breathing very heavily. And was laying on the other duckling, I scooped her up and took a baby sucker bulb and cleaned out her nose, seemed like the right thing to do, she immediately stopped working so hard to breathe. I moved her over under the heat lamp, she's very weak :(
And very very small. I'm not sure what to do now. I want to hold her but she needs heat so I'm leaving her be. The other duckling sadly died, it was fully formed except it's little webbed feet were missing. Which explains how they both fit maybe, idk :(
The odds were against me and I did everything I could, and now have to focus on the surviving one, idk what to do :( she's itty bitty and weak..Any advice would be helpful..

:hugs I'm so sorry for your loss... :( At least you did everything you could for it. I very rarely hear about twin ducklings/chicks making it to lockdown, let alone having one survive- you did a great job at giving them a chance.

For now keep the little duckling nice and warm, until it gains a little strengh, and then give it some water with a tiny sprinkle of sugar or vitamins using an eye dropper or syringe. Good luck with her! :fl
How long has it been since first pip? They often widen the hole before zipping. And remember, ducks take longer to absorb yolk than chicks.

Is that a mallard or call?

This is a Mallard, I have not messed with him since he made that big ole hole , he externally pipped through yesterday late afternoon I believe, if he looks fine then I am not going to get in any hurry to help, lord knows these past 2 days have worn me out and today is chemo day so I'm going to feel awful the next couple of days so I will let him do his thing. Ravynfallen told me to put coconut oil on the membrane so that is what I did yesterday. Just wanted to make sure he could still zip with an opening that large
:hugs I'm so sorry for your loss... :( At least you did everything you could for it. I very rarely hear about twin ducklings/chicks making it to lockdown, let alone having one survive- you did a great job at giving them a chance.

For now keep the little duckling nice and warm, until it gains a little strengh, and then give it some water with a tiny sprinkle of sugar or vitamins using an eye dropper or syringe. Good luck with her! :fl

You are exactly right, I feel good about my decision to go yesterday thanks to Ravynfallen giving me the help, after seeing how they both formed in the egg there was no room for the other ones feet to form, and if they would of neither one would have survived. It's as if the other hung on so the strong one could live because they were both peeping as of bedtime last night. Everything happens for a reason, it's when you realize that you can move on. Now to focus on the remaining babies :)
You are exactly right, I feel good about my decision to go yesterday thanks to Ravynfallen giving me the help, after seeing how they both formed in the egg there was no room for the other ones feet to form, and if they would of neither one would have survived. It's as if the other hung on so the strong one could live because they were both peeping as of bedtime last night. Everything happens for a reason, it's when you realize that you can move on. Now to focus on the remaining babies :)

How many have hatched now?

Even if the other duckling had survived, than it would be deformed and would struggle a lot, causing you far more heartbreak....
This is a Mallard, I have not messed with him since he made that big ole hole , he externally pipped through yesterday late afternoon I believe, if he looks fine then I am not going to get in any hurry to help, lord knows these past 2 days have worn me out and today is chemo day so I'm going to feel awful the next couple of days so I will let him do his thing. Ravynfallen told me to put coconut oil on the membrane so that is what I did yesterday. Just wanted to make sure he could still zip with an opening that large


Good luck with the chemo, take care of yourself first! I love the ducks, but you still have to be strong enough to care for them, so you have to come first.

Coconut oil is good, as long as that membrane stays moist, he can either zip, or just bust right out of the big hole!
How many have hatched now?

Even if the other duckling had survived, than it would be deformed and would struggle a lot, causing you far more heartbreak....

Just 2 are here, 3 have externally pipped, 1 is working on it and I think another has died.
Excellent.  :thumbsup   

Good luck with the chemo, take care of yourself first!  I love the ducks, but you still have to be strong enough to care for them, so you have to come first.  :hugs

Coconut oil is good, as long as that membrane stays moist, he can either zip, or just bust right out of the big hole!  :)

Well I wished he'd bust on out he's got an awfully big beak ,from the looks of it and he seems to really want out of that egg
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The duck the made the huge opening is trying to push out and his nail tore some of the membrane and now it's bleeding bright red blood :( he's not ready to come and I don't know what to do

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