2 month old chick with balance issues


Jun 2, 2019
I'm going to try to post pictures *fingers crossed* I have a chick that is about 2 months old and he was normal as far as I noticed until this weekend. Right now they are indoor only on shavings but they get scratch grain and fresh grass clings occasionally. I noticed him laying down and he'd get up and run around when I brought food but if any of the other chicks bumped him or if he shakes his head or tried to turn quick he falls back onto his knees (not sure if that's the proper term but the joint after the foot) he's happy and acts normal otherwise. Eats and drinks without a problem but does get stepped on when I bring the treat pans in. Anyone know what's wrong with him? I moved him to his own cage after the video so he wouldn't get knocked around. He's not slayed legged and he can move fast when I try to catch him.
Looks like the beginning of Mareks to me. You can try giving some poultry vitamins in case it's from a deficiency. Mareks will continue to worsen.
Sorry about your chick. If you are feeding just scratch grains instead of a balanced chick starter, then I would worry about a vitamin and nutrient deficiency. Mareks disease also could be possible, since it can cause walking on the hocks and imbalance. I would start some human vitamin B complex 1/4 tablet daily crushed and mixed in a little water, and given orally. Other vitamins can be used as long as they have riboflavin (B2.) Can you get some chick starter at your feed store? Purina or Nutrina are a few good brands. Do you have other chickens? Have any been vaccinated for Mareks?
Sorry about your chick. If you are feeding just scratch grains instead of a balanced chick starter, then I would worry about a vitamin and nutrient deficiency. Mareks disease also could be possible, since it can cause walking on the hocks and imbalance. I would start some human vitamin B complex 1/4 tablet daily crushed and mixed in a little water, and given orally. Other vitamins can be used as long as they have riboflavin (B2.) Can you get some chick starter at your feed store? Purina or Nutrina are a few good brands. Do you have other chickens? Have any been vaccinated for Mareks?

Sorry, they get chick starter free choice 24/7 as well. Is marks contagious? Do I need to worry about the other chicks?
If she has some symptoms of Mareks, they all would have been exposed by now at the same time. I would try the vitamins for a few days to 2 weeks to see if they make a difference. There are tests for Mareks which you might consider down the road. One is a $20 blood test at Vetdna in Texas, done by you on her at home, and the other is a necropsy with testing after death. Here is a link for the blood test:

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