20 day old eggs unplugged for 8 hours will they hatch?

2nd egg hatched. This was the last egg collected and from the other hen.

Currently stumbeling around the bator. Cutley enough 1st chick helped it hatch
the 4 remaining eggs have pip holes into the shell. I see one with its beak opening and closing. Another has a crack extending from the hole.

the humidity is now 88% and there is condensation on the sides. Still have not opened the bator

the question remains if the humidity is too high and if a chick could drown.

Its a Janoel 12 (or maybe the knock off bearing the name) style bator - there is only one vent hole...always open. currently is has clear aquarium tubing routed thru it to the bottom below the tray to deliver more water if it was needed....
I was shocked the humidity was up to 99% with the same amount of water from when the humidity was at 71% while it was running.

Right after I turned it back on, one chick quickly (2 hours) zipped and kicked out of the egg...happily running around the bater now. 3 others have pip thru the egg shell after it was turned back on, but no more have hatched. 1 of them has increased the opening (zipping I guess...)

2 eggs have made no progress that I can notice...I haven't opened the bater to inspect the eggs. But its early for them to hatch.

But you're right, the humidity was way too high. How did that happen? Does the heat keep the humidity down?
Yes, the heat is relative to the humidity. RH (relative humidity). The same amount of water will have a huge difference in percent reading with 30 degree difference in temperature.
Now humidity is 89 % after 2nd egg hatched...is this ok?
It's fine if you don't allow the RH to get under 70%. At that temp high humidity turns the album to glue then when under 70% will start ot harden and stick chicks in shell. The other way is to keep RH 60-65% for hatch but unless your diligent in keeping RH under 70% the gluing effect happens too. I take chicks out as they hatch to release the excess moisture as birds are hatching but hatch over 70% RH. Use to go drier and liked the results until you have a bunch hatch overnight to awake to the rest of the piped eggs stuck in shells. It's easier to stay above 70%.

Of course all that is not precise (near useless) if you don't calibrate your hygrometer with a salt test. The thing to take home is to keep it moist or the album in shell will turn to glue and stick the chicks which can be a mess to aid from shell and clean those chicks off. For real precise monitoring you should perform a salt test. Easy to do. Search it here on BYC or for humidors.
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how fast can the membranes dry out if the humidity was to drop due to opening the bator to remove a dry chick? And how low wold humidity have to get to cause shrink wrap?
3rd baby hatched while i was watching a tv show. Up to 50% hatch rate for my first time. I did do the "dry" method where i kept eggs about 30% humidity for 1st 18 days. Then up to 65ish with fluctuations as they hatch early. Day 21 starts at 1130 am sunday....

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