2010 What Do You Want Added To The BYC Forum & WebSite?

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You can already search within a thread. Choose "show results as posts" from the dropdown menu on the search page, and it'll give you a list of posts including your search terms.

Well I'll be!! Thank you for that!

Judging from the amount of requests for that specific request though, I'd hazard a guess that it might be helpful to have 'Posts' be the default option instead of 'Topic'.
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You can already search within a thread. Choose "show results as posts" from the dropdown menu on the search page, and it'll give you a list of posts including your search terms.

Well I'll be!! Thank you for that!

Judging from the amount of requests for that specific request though, I'd hazard a guess that it might be helpful to have 'Posts' be the default option instead of 'Topic'.

Agreed. I almost always want to search for specific posts, rather than whole threads.
I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I do have one little annoying thing...

On the home page, where the "Visit our coop section" shows different pictures of coops. I sometimes see one on there that I would love to get a better look at, but when I click on it, it just brings it up to the front of the coop section, and then I have to decide if it's small medium or large coop and then browse through to find the one I wanted to look at.

Anyway, it would be cool if you clicked on the picture that was up at the time and it brought you to the coop the picture is showing you. If I wanted to browse the coops, I would, but I just want to see that one coop at the time and I don't know where to find it.
As great as BYC already is, I wish there was some way to maybe have a separate board for more advanced poultry keeping topics like breed development, outcrossing, linebreeding, more in-depth genetics, etc... I think it would draw more people to BYC (or back to BYC) that have experience or education in Poultry Science. I think that would be awesome. Maybe either an area that is password protected or requires an additional level of membership to post in. Maybe even an "ask the experts" section for these topics where a member has to have a certain level of membership to post or answer questions.

One of the only things that I dislike about BYC (actually probably the *only* thing, as BYC is my favorite poultry site) is all of the arguing back and forth about nonsensical things. I don't want to offend "junior" members because we have some great younger members here (and I know it is not safe to identify who they are anyway), but I have to say that frequently I see these illogical arguments started by members that are like under 15 years old, so I can more than understand the suggestion for an "adult" board. I just see disagreements on this website a lot that I virtually never see in groups of experienced poultry keepers. This is the one criticism you see of BYC repeatedly on other sites as well, that the experienced poultry keepers are silenced by those that are less experienced.

Of course, no site will ever be all things to all people. There is a lot that I really enjoy about BYC. I just have a list of topics that to me personally it is almost completely pointless to discuss here as the board is currently structured. BYC does a great job covering almost all bases for the most part, but I myself am beginning to see the need for an extended vacation from active posting, LOL.
You can already search within a thread. Choose "show results as posts" from the dropdown menu on the search page, and it'll give you a list of posts including your search terms.

Wow! I had no idea you could do that! In fact, i almost didn't find it after you TOLD us about it! I'm glad it's there. Maybe it should be more obvious.
How do you mean, silenced?

I mean silenced by arguments that are completely nonsensical and without logic. There is a certain level of knowledge that I would consider "basic" animal husbandry/poultry science, things that people experienced with birds would never argue about (and I could list a number of threads that show examples of this, but I don't want to "go there" as it is probably not terribly productive anyway). It is very tiresome when there is an advanced topic being discussed and someone with only a very limited amount of knowledge comes into the thread and starts arguing points that are again, "basic" poultry science.

It is sort of like the saying of recognizing that "you don't know what you don't know". For example, I think that I have a fairly large amount of knowledge in genetics as I have studied it for years in school and in practice. That said, I would never argue back and forth with someone that is a degreed geneticist. If they told me that I was incorrect or didn't have a full understanding of the topic, I would defer to them and their education. I wouldn't continue to argue back and forth and tell the geneticist that they didn't know what they are talking about. That is just the way I was raised. I really wish there was some way to get some of the people that are experts in our hobby to BYC, but I so often hear that they don't want to wade through all the frivolous threads and deal with all the arguments created by people with less experience. That is why I suggested perhaps an advanced topics board where a person had to have a certain level of membership to post. I am not sure how that could be implemented though and BYC is already great as is. Maybe this is just not the site for this sort of thing.

Another example is like the show threads. It could be really awesome if there were some threads that were for serious breed evaluation where a person could post pictures of their stock and have it actually evaluated (as much as can be in photos) by an actual APA judge or Master breeder/exhibitor. I just don't know if there is even any real interest in doing something like this on BYC. It doesn't seem like there may be any interest based on the majority of the threads. I enjoy the frivolous threads too at times. It would just be nice to have some more serious poultry threads as well.
How do you mean, silenced?

I mean silenced by arguments that are completely nonsensical and without logic. There is a certain level of knowledge that I would consider "basic" animal husbandry/poultry science, things that people experienced with birds would never argue about (and I could list a number of threads that show examples of this, but I don't want to "go there" as it is probably not terribly productive anyway). It is very tiresome when there is an advanced topic being discussed and someone with only a very limited amount of knowledge comes into the thread and starts arguing points that are again, "basic" poultry science.

It is sort of like the saying of recognizing that "you don't know what you don't know". For example, I think that I have a fairly large amount of knowledge in genetics as I have studied it for years in school and in practice. That said, I would never argue back and forth with someone that is a degreed geneticist. If they told me that I was incorrect or didn't have a full understanding of the topic, I would defer to them and their education. I wouldn't continue to argue back and forth and tell the geneticist that they didn't know what they are talking about. That is just the way I was raised. I really wish there was some way to get some of the people that are experts in our hobby to BYC, but I so often hear that they don't want to wade through all the frivolous threads and deal with all the arguments created by people with less experience. That is why I suggested perhaps an advanced topics board where a person had to have a certain level of membership to post. I am not sure how that could be implemented though and BYC is already great as is. Maybe this is just not the site for this sort of thing.

Another example is like the show threads. It could be really awesome if there were some threads that were for serious breed evaluation where a person could post pictures of their stock and have it actually evaluated (as much as can be in photos) by an actual APA judge or Master breeder/exhibitor. I just don't know if there is even any real interest in doing something like this on BYC. It doesn't seem like there may be any interest based on the majority of the threads. I enjoy the frivolous threads too at times. It would just be nice to have some more serious poultry threads as well.

I think i understand your point. Though i am by no means an "expert" in any subject regarding chickens, there are some things i have researched and feel i have understanding on, and it is frustrating when folks give advice that i feel is based on non-sense assumptions or incorrect "facts."

That said, when someone on a thread tells me something, i have no way of knowing from what basis of education, experience, self-education, etc., this piece of information comes. And i am unlikely to yield to information that doesn't make sense to me - without some explanation or source to back it up.

So what do you think we should do? Post resumes? There are many here who have years of experience with chickens, good reputations, and no formal training. How do you represent that?

Just in case my tone comes off differently than i intend, i don't mean to argue with you, just to explore your idea. This is an interesting concept to me, though i have no power whatsoever to implement anything as far as BYC is concerned.

(P.S., the genetics of chickens completely boggle my mind, and i would like to be fascinated but don't understand enough to even do that. So i'm sure i haven't been someone who has argued with you about the matter. I take advice from pretty much ANYONE when it comes to genetics. Maybe that's my mistake.)
Don't worry! It didn't come off argumentative at all, PunkinPeep!

I totally understand what you are saying. I typed out a long response explaining myself, but I know no one reads my long posts anyway so I deleted it, LOL. What it boils down to is this- I wish there was some way to separate the people that are really here to learn about poultry keeping from the people that aren't and to separate the advice given from people that have actual concrete experience from the people that don't. I will leave it at that.

There are a number of topics that I think it is nearly impossible to have intelligent conversations about here (IMHO). I would greatly appreciate an additional board that is more scholarly in tone, but I don't know how BYC could implement that without excluding someone that shouldn't be excluded. Maybe this is beyond the scope of BYC? I love BYC anyway and will continue to enjoy it for what it is. I just find the amount of misinformation to be disappointing at times.
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