2013 Chicks Picked Out!

Can't wait
Here is my list. Not sure when ill get them but it is what I want
oegb Dutch color hoping a hen.
Rhode island reds
Jersey giants (maybe)
Red sex link
buff orpington standard.
now Tractor supply gets baby chicks on the 11 I do plain on going sown there and looking about. The main 2 I really want are the ameraucana and the Rhode island reds
I have a Welsummer and a white sultan ordered for April and a bunch of bantams for June. (buff, white, and blue Silkie, black frizzle Cochin, Mille fleur d uccle, white crested black polish, and mottled Cochin.) will probably add one more to my April order, maybe a silver laced Wyandotte or buckeye. Am also looking into lavender Orpington and cream leg bar.[/quote
I have a Welsummer and a white sultan ordered for April and a bunch of bantams for June. (buff, white, and blue Silkie, black frizzle Cochin, Mille fleur d uccle, white crested black polish, and mottled Cochin.) will probably add one more to my April order, maybe a silver laced Wyandotte or buckeye. Am also looking into lavender Orpington and cream leg bar.[/quote
Ordered from Ideal today. They were sold out of Delawares until May so I subbed with White Plymouth Rocks. They should be here by Thursday or Friday NEXT WEEK! I am so excited! So, chicks for this order include 2 Blue Andalusians, 2 Dominiques, 2 Salmon Favs, 2 Red Shoulder Yokohama, 2 White Rocks, 6 D'Uccle assorted, and 3 Barred Cochin Bantams.

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