2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Its still early for your eggs, you are just at day 25, and if the power goes off sometimes they will hatch late. 

Yep I know, I was just concerned because it had externally pipped and not internally pipped and I didn't know if it could breathe. It has now internally pipped though, so all is well :)
Yes I would recommend placing the newly hatched chicks with it. I had a very similar outcome with my last hatch and only now after 5 weeks do I have chicks hatching but the Pea is too big to try integrating and it will be our house pea for much longer than I'd like or hoped for. It's sweet but very messy and needy. I let it run the house still as its "messes" or still tiny and easy to clean up but I know that will change very quickly!

It also has no interest in the grown outside peas that often visit the glass doors to peek inside. Of course my DH doesn't like that for whatever reason as soon as I open the cage he flies straight to him usually on him no matter where he is as long as he's within eyeshot! I think that it's comical only because I know it irritates him and he always whines about how sharp it's nails are! Big baby I say!! Lol!

Edited to clarify I am by no means an expert ... JMO.
When you said needy, I had no clue, I thought hen chicks were bad, it only stops squarking when im holging it, pretends it cant eat if its not off my finger , just caught it eating and drinking when it couldnt see me at night with the red lamp on, ohh what have i let myself in for, new chicks piped but not hatched yet,
for tomorrow, I really hope your chick is doing well , let us all know
My IB hen has finally hatched both her babes 1 yesterday and the other was there when I checked this morning.

The 1 yesterday I watched from the window above to see it sitting by itself while momma positioned the other egg. The babe wasn't moving so I went and got it. Brought into the house. It's solid yellow. I know I've read to watch wing coloring if it's going to be a BS. I'm surprised though as I knew the hen is split to BS or midnight is what the previous owner advised and the male has a couple white in the wing. I haven't seen but the little feet of the other one and it was still with her when I left for work this morning.


I'm still unsure of this babe. I have a vet appt for it in the morning because the bump on its head was seeping a bit of blood and not going down at all. I keep wiping it with a antiseptic wipe. It acts perfectly fine though.
I went back to the eBay add and this one I got from Louden Farm. I sent a PM asking what type it may be but haven't gotten a response yet. The add was for bronze and Opals over w/e, pied etc

It also has some white feathers on the wing.

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