2019 Emu Hatch-A-Long

My first batch of 9 are on day 34, haven’t seen any movement but haven’t had the chance to check much. Weight loss is on track for the most part.
2nd batch of 14 are on day 31.
3rd batch of 4 on day 22
4th batch of 4 on day 16
5th batch of 4 on day 14
I’m really hoping I’ve got some chicks in there lol. Batch 3 & 4 are the only shipped eggs & from Arkansas while the rest are from Ohio, Maryland & Kentucky picked up in person.

pretty sure we started our 34 day batch on the same day. glad to hear things going well.
no sign of life here. the turning continues.
Thanks for this uplifting post. still your problem was you only had 5... SIX is the magic number. Honestly, i didn't have high hope about this hatch, this being her first eggs of her first season,but the time and turning i have invested in this venture will make a total failure a bummer. did your eggs really make a noticeable tilt? honestly not sure about mine. i do feel like i get some 'resistance" when turning a couple of my eggs. i could be in my mind.
Thanks for this uplifting post. still your problem was you only had 5... SIX is the magic number. Honestly, i didn't have high hope about this hatch, this being her first eggs of her first season,but the time and turning i have invested in this venture will make a total failure a bummer. did your eggs really make a noticeable tilt? honestly not sure about mine. i do feel like i get some 'resistance" when turning a couple of my eggs. i could be in my mind.

We did start with 6 but one has some stank so threw it out early on. Yes they all had major tilt and later on wanted to lay on one particular side so I thought for sure there was a chick. The ones that had embryos, we saw wiggle around 35 days and then they stopped after a couple days so that must be when they died.
Well 3 of my 10 eggs are on day 40. Yesterday I for clear sighn of life in those and my 3 35 day old eggs. Two for sure the others I will just keep waiting and watching. This wait is terrible. I am also confident these will hatch closer to day 60 bc I am incubating at lower temps to avoid temperature spikes like I had last try. This wait is agony. Can someone post a pic of the wiggle test? I can't tell if my eggs are in fact wiggling or just rolling to the heavy spot where the baby is...I tried to post my video to show you what I mean but it wont let me. Happy emu hatching.
Well 3 of my 10 eggs are on day 40. Yesterday I for clear sighn of life in those and my 3 35 day old eggs. Two for sure the others I will just keep waiting and watching. This wait is terrible. I am also confident these will hatch closer to day 60 bc I am incubating at lower temps to avoid temperature spikes like I had last try. This wait is agony. Can someone post a pic of the wiggle test? I can't tell if my eggs are in fact wiggling or just rolling to the heavy spot where the baby is...I tried to post my video to show you what I mean but it wont let me. Happy emu hatching.

I have the top of the egg marked so when I wiggle test i set them on a smooth flat surface & let them roll to the position it stops at. Seems to wake them up a bit. Like FishMtFarm said, once you see one wiggle you’ll know it. Eyes may play tricks on you at first but you can’t miss it when it’s a chick. Tap the egg with your fingernail & whistle. If no movement after 5 minutes, put it back & try again later.
I personally haven’t found the temp test very accurate. The air cell gets cool rather quickly but even a bad egg will remain warm on the end where the contents are

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