2019 Newbie Chat!



Master of the 'never give up' attitude
Jan 19, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
Hi! :frow
I know that somebody made a newbie chat for 2018 and there is one for 2017.
So, here is one for 2019 new members to share their experiences this year :)
Feel free to follow or join.
If you're new this year, you can do a few things. You can link your introduction from the new member introductions forum and maybe answer a few questions :)
Why did you get poultry? What breed(s) did you get? Have you had chickens before?
You can add your location to your profile as well to connect with members near you!

Have a great time,
Am I ok to participate here? Technically I joined in 2018 but so close to the end of December it may as well be 2019. If it's not ok, just delete the entry.

We kept chooks when my children were small; 3 bantams & about 8 ISA Brown rescues as pets, for eggs & as parasite controllers ~ they eat the ticks. We didn't replace the chooks as they died off as no~one had the time to look after them any more but I like having chooks. I find them peaceful.

It took a while but I finally got DH to agree to chook~keeping again now it's just the 2 of us: 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks, 2 black Australorps.

This time we have a proper set up & got quality birds @ POL ~ & we are getting quality eggs.
The girls arriving to let me know it's Coop Time & they want their dinner!:rolleyes:
I'm not new but I just Bought my first pair of Mandarin Ducks from Mallard Lane Farms and they will be shipped out on Monday December 7th.
The male is Split to White and Female is White Hen!!
Thier names will be Annie and Tibbers

Why did you get poultry? Becuase they give eggs and meat and awesome pets and pals to hang around!
What breed(s) did you get? Mandarin Ducks
Have you had chickens before? Ofcourse
Hi! I technically joined in December, but I don't have my chickens yet so I feel like I'm still a pre-newbie :) I'm planning to pick up chicks at the end of January, and I'm working on getting the coop and run built, and soaking up as much info as I can.

I'm planning to get 3 chicks, because that's the city limit. The breeds I'm thinking of are Australorp, Orpington, and Plymouth Rock.

I've never kept chickens on my own before, but we had them while I was a kid.
Hi! I technically joined in December, but I don't have my chickens yet so I feel like I'm still a pre-newbie :) I'm planning to pick up chicks at the end of January, and I'm working on getting the coop and run built, and soaking up as much info as I can.

I'm planning to get 3 chicks, because that's the city limit. The breeds I'm thinking of are Australorp, Orpington, and Plymouth Rock.

I've never kept chickens on my own before, but we had them while I was a kid.
Awesome! I had the first two :)
Just claiming my spot on the first page! Haha! 25 chicks incoming in late Feb.

Why did you get poultry?
Well, I had quail for a few years, but sold them all off this past Spring and have been converting my "Aviary" to a "Coop" for the past.....9 months? High point numbers wise was probably about 100 chicks and 40 adults at one time. But normal average was between 20-30 quail at any one time.

What breed(s) did you get?
5X each of.....

No way I am keeping them all. Limit in my city is 8. But needed 25 for the minimum ship quantity and this way I can hopefully keep a couple of each, even accounting for death in shipping or failure to thrive. And selling a couple off after I see how they acclimate for a few days. End goal is 8 if I want to stay legal.....maybe 9 or 10 to make it a nice round number.....

Have you had chickens before?

Build/conversion thread:
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