2019 Spring Ducklings are here!

I picture a "Diane" duck as a sweet, calm quiet duck, somebody else suggested Gracie.
That Momma Duck is the absolute opposite! If she is outside, she runs around like a pinball, quacking so loud that i can hear her down at the mailbox - never been so fast back at the house, i thought a coyote attack or something like that, nope just momma running around bumping into everybody, running over drakes. Erpelchen, the Buff Orpington is now afraid of her, he was hiding behind the AC compressor! :lau
Two stories today. First, my ducks could not compete with Blanca duck. I caught a bullfrog and put it in the pen. They killed it but did not eat it right away. A little while later someone ate it. Second, my K/C with scoliosis has alway been mean to my surviving Rouen. I went out the back door this afternoon and the ducks did not hear me. I caught them huddled together sleeping.
I picture a "Diane" duck as a sweet, calm quiet duck, somebody else suggested Gracie.
That Momma Duck is the absolute opposite! If she is outside, she runs around like a pinball, quacking so loud that i can hear her down at the mailbox - never been so fast back at the house, i thought a coyote attack or something like that, nope just momma running around bumping into everybody, running over drakes. Erpelchen, the Buff Orpington is now afraid of her, he was hiding behind the AC compressor! :lau
Momma Ducks name was decided today:
One of the neighbors came over to show the duck to his 5 year old granddaughter.
While she was feeding them with cat food, i told her the names of the ducks and how they earned those, Blanca was obvious and Alba means the same, just in Romanian. Explained that Nona came from Noname and the story about Katharina, my nurse from 18 years ago. Showed her a picture of Bazilla in my lap with her bumble-foot shoe and she would love to see Earthquack making Ducknamis in the pool

💥BAM! 💥

Something crazy came loudly quacking out of the duck house and started to run left, right, back and forth at ludicrous speed bouncing off the drakes, running over ducks like bowling pins…

"So", said the five year old girl, "that ducks name is Pinball ?"

I was flattened! She just stated the obvious: That duck behaves like a the ball in a pinball machine, so her name now official is Pinball Duck.
Two stories today. First, my ducks could not compete with Blanca duck. I caught a bullfrog and put it in the pen. They killed it but did not eat it right away. A little while later someone ate it. Second, my K/C with scoliosis has alway been mean to my surviving Rouen. I went out the back door this afternoon and the ducks did not hear me. I caught them huddled together sleeping.
Come'on! Bullfrogs are giants! - I'm surprised the frog didn't try to eat those poor Duckies! :lau
Are you sure they really did not ate it? Maybe ripped it apart and then gobbled down the pieces?
This one was the size of my thumb. They ate it but I don’t know who ate all or part of it.
That was just a baby! - I had a bullfrog sitting on the hood of my rental car once in Athens Georgia. First thought was "Holy Sh*t some animal (elephant?) has pooped on my car."
Then that giant ball of poop started to move and then made a sound like a giant hornet. a 10 foot hornet! It was so loud! It made my eyes tear up…
Knock Knock, Is anybody in there?? I weighed my four ducklings
at the same age that I measured their mothers last year, at 10 days old. The four mothers weighed 689g, while their offspring weighed 1027g tonight.
What do you put on a attack site on the side of the ducklings neck? While drying the ducklings tonight I noticed pink skin, a closer look indicated that about a 1/2" duck bill width of fur is missing on one of the boys. No blood and no obvious fighting taking place. Do I leave it alone, put nonpain formula neosporin on it and/or isolate him?

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