2020 Flock Life

Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

  • Chicken

    Votes: 90 54.2%
  • Egg

    Votes: 55 33.1%
  • Neither

    Votes: 21 12.7%

  • Total voters
@drstratton I'M SO HAPPY FOR LITTLE ROO!!! IT'S SUCHE A GOOD JOY WHEN THEY'RE STRONG FIGHTERS!! :yesss: :yesss: :yesss: :love:love:love:love:love:love:love
Thank you...it's been a roller coaster! I will be happy a week from now when he's not getting so tired. He ran over to me yesterday, I picked him up & it didn't take him long to fall asleep...sweet Little Roo!💞
I love watching them jump and fly around! And when they peep it's soo cute! I still have to wait about three months for my chicks to come and it is torturous let me tell ya. So please keep posting videos!
They are a lot of fun and I love to share them! I'm sorry that you have to wait so long for yours! 🙁
Good Morning/evening everyone :frow
Hope everyone has/had a great day!!
Good morning! :frow

So far so good...I took the chicks there morning mash...little roo ran over to say hello, but as soon as I put the mash down, that was the only thing he was interested in! So, today is definitely better than yesterday! :love
I hope your hand is better today! 💞
I was just thinking yesterday that I need to get a tetanus shot...I keep getting cuts & slivers in my hands, I scratched my face while moving a piece of metal roofing & I stepped on a board with a screw in it...thank goodness it was a new board with a new screw...I feel like I'm a ticking timebomb...😂 Those things happen when your focused on getting things done, you're just a hard worker! 💞

Right!? I sat getting an x-ray done laughing cuz it's just another injury from working with the chickens. Poor nurses probably think I'm crazy. I'm also hoping they don't think I'm a battered spouse thingy :hmm:confused: I'm in there way too much.
It is feeling less stiff but man the tendons hurt!
Right!? I sat getting an x-ray done laughing cuz it's just another injury from working with the chickens. Poor nurses probably think I'm crazy. I'm also hoping they don't think I'm a battered spouse thingy :hmm:confused: I'm in there way too much.
It is feeling less stiff but man the tendons hurt!
I didn't know whether to have a laugh or sad reaction...I decided sad because your hand still hurts and to save the laugh for your description of your time with the nurses...:gig

I hope your hand heals up quickly!:love

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