2x4 for roosts?

Thanks for all the information Ridgerunner and Hokum Coco! I have half of the new roost made of 2x4. I'm feeling my way through choosing tools but I'm cutting notches into the side supports so the roosting bars will slide into them. Want to be able to get it out of the coop when the boards get dirty so I can scrub them.
Notches work fine but I'll show how I did mine. There are always different ways to do about anything.

Roost Nail.JPG
I've had good luck with 2x4s wide side up. The girls stand on them rather than perch, but I've not had any problems with frostbite, not even when outside temps were -14 (that last coop never got colder than 14 degrees even under those conditions) and no bumblefoot either since the 2x4 edges are rounded a little. As for when they get dirty, I just scrape off what will and don't worry about the stains. Roosts are, to me at least and not knocking anybody else here that feels otherwise, a functional rather than fashionable item. A little dirt won't hurt.

And if you're worried about the roosts emitting ammonia, try putting on some gloves and a mask and rub a little neutralizer on there after scraping them clean. Only a little mind you, think in terms of a sprinkle, not trying to choke the chickens or the human.

I like the idea of using tree branches, but find the idea of installing them to be a little daunting. (Also don't have trees that big at the new place.)
Notches work fine but I'll show how I did mine. There are always different ways to do about anything.

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Excellent example of a great perch...Simple and effective. Perfect. AND the roost bar is not....ahhhhh flat .... my flat feet love flat surfaces. ... but the structure of a chickens foot does not. Pick one up and watch its feet curl around your fingers with a steady firm grip... try that with a 2x 4.
I'm cutting notches into the side supports so the roosting bars will slide into them.
I like your idea better than cups. " BRAVO".
I also mounted my poop boards 3½" under my roost (saves eggs laid through the night). I covered the board with vinyl flooring and with the removable roost is a simple chore to scrape off every day or so.
Notches work fine but I'll show how I did mine. There are always different ways to do about anything.

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I really like the idea of tree branches, but I haven't been able to find any that I think would be the right size. I don't mind scraping boards. I just want to scrub them about twice per year to get the crud down to the stains. I never found the roosts to emit ammonia though.
20170319_192919_001.jpg Here is what we came up with after a lot of reading on here. Its a 2x4 that is ripped at .75" . Then the small ones screwed back under the now 2.75" board. Then all the edges were rounded over. We were kind of thinking a 2x4 would bow over time being flat side up and this would stiffen things up.

and here is how we mounted it to the ceiling.
What we have found is they hardly leave anything on it than cant come of easy. There butts are never really centered over the roosting bar at anytime.


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