3 ee's & a silver laced wyandotte: what gender?

they are all the same age, however, i'm not 100% dure who their parents are. i was under the impression that they have the same mother though. thanks :)
All I'm saying is give it time. Don't write it off as a roo, yet. I had ~5 chickens I suspected of being roos for quite some period of time and as they got older it was clear what they were.

How many weeks old are they now?
I'm still voting pullet on your SLW. I have one that is close to the same age and he has a big ol' honking red comb already.

I also vote pullet on the first EE. No idea on the other two. Best wishes!!
If it helps, these are our lady slw at 8 weeks (they lay eggs now so we know they are not roo's.....hehehe)

I was positive my hatchery SLW was a roo - she had a red comb at three DAYS old! Not bright red, but pinking up definitely. She's now 14 weeks and still looks like a pullet. The comb is still pink but hasn't grown at all. And saddle feathers all rounded.

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