3 murdered hens...advice please

Be sure that you tell the Police about the threat even if you think they will not do anything about it and make sure that they take a report. There is no reason that they should not take your (you and your husband's) word with more weight than theirs. It was a not so veiled threat against YOU.

I'm so sorry about your birds, this is just terrible. Please be very careful with these people. THey are absolutely capable of "upping the ante" to violence against you and your animals if you escalate the situation too far. I do think that you absolutely need to report the threats that were made to the police. But be cautious and realize that your life will get far worse if these people leave poison out for your dog, etc. If your suspicion is right, and these people are drug addicts or meth lab types, they are not in their right minds.

I am a golden retriever person, and I just can't imagine ever letting my sweet dogs roam free-- it is a recipe for them getting hit by a car, etc. etc etc! And I find most Jack Russells to be very, very obnoxious. But I think that it would be a terrible mistake to kill their dog. I think you would regret it deeply, since you have a dog yourself. If you feel you have to get rid of the dog a humane option would at least be to give it to a Jack Russell Rescue group, where it will be adopted by someone who is educated about the needs of the breed.

My gentle goldens occassionally take off after a rabbit or squirrel in our fenced yard-- ugh! I yell at them, but they are hard-wired for it. Luckily the animals are usually quicker than the dogs. I am sure your lab has chased squirrels and rabbits in the past, too. This poor neglected Jack Russell was bred to chase and kill small animals (in fact, they were largely bred by to have that drive by chicken owners who used them to chase and catch rats in coops). It needs guidance and training from its owners, which sadly it will not get. but that doesn't make it a vicious dog-- you have to remember it is their pet, just like your dog and chickens are your pets, despite the truly horrible behavior of the owners. I think if you kill this dog you will have done something very wrong, and will have given these awful people a very good reason to feel they can take revenge against your family. They might (and probably would, given what this woman said) kill your dog, perhaps in a horrifying way that could really scar your family (and especially your daughter). I remember a family I know finding their dog hung in their backyard after an ugly conflict with a neighbor about their pit bull. WHen you are dealing with nasty people you just have to be extremely careful, or the situation can get out of control. You also never know with drug addicts, they might even harm you. It just wouldn't be smart to confront them again if you can avoid doing so.

Remember that "an eye for an eye" philosophy just leaves both people blind.
It is easy for us, when we are wronged, to start to tell ourselves revenge is okay. It never is. I think you are doing the right thing in focusing your energy upon creating a really secure coop. But do let the police know what you are dealing with. If you have suspicions about drugs you could report that, too. But I think direct confrontation is not going to be helpful, and it might be really harmful for your family and pets.
Strange that someone would post that protecting your property is somehow “revenge” and that threats to your family are somehow a reasonable response.

The sad part is that if they are involved with drugs the police probably know that already. It is not up to them but they have to let these ‘people’ go on a chain when they should be in a cage. Go to the courthouse with their names if you have them - you probably won’t be surprised by what you find.
I know what you are dealing with,dog`s kill for no reason and they will kill and leave dead chickens all over the place(i came home one day and there were dead chickens and feathers everywhere).Most dog owners will deny it`s there dog and will do nothing about resolving the problem,leaving you with having to take matters in your own hands.Animal control is an option.
I would caution you on recording voices,, here in PA you can photo and vidieo just about anything, if you record voices without letting them know,before you start, it is a serious crime.

For the people who say don't "murder" the poor dog, it's the owners fault,,,,you cannot murder an animal...it's not a human.

If you think animals have human rights, what if a serial killer or rapist that said they do it because they like it and cannot help themself and the shrinks and courts agree, the person is dangerous and know they will do it again if given a chance,, escapes?

Now you come home or are home and find this menace harming or trying to harm your property or family, do you take care of the predator and sleep easy knowing you bettered your part of the world and you or no one else has to worry about it anymore?

Or call the warden in the morning and be nice and explain that his property just killed and harmed yours and you would be happy if he kept his property off of yours???????
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there's more than 1 way to rid yourself and your property of pests.
poison has been used for years, decades to get rid of varmits.
is a trap any more humane than poison ?
either way, the problem is resolved.
I removed the previous post, grudingly.
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Poisoning is illegal in many places and often considered inhumane despite there being poison bait blocks for rodents and other small pests. Using non authorized poisons to poison is even worse. Before taking anyones "advice" make sure you check your local rules and regulations. Repercussions for not following laws can be very great.
Hi -
No advice here, I just want to say how sorry I am for your loss and for the difficult situation with the neighbors. Hang in there and stick to your guns (no pun intended).

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