3 part staggered hatch, Wynette, Speckledhen, scbatz33 eggs new photos

Congrats Kathy and I will agree with Cyn! A baker's dozen is a nice number to have.
Thanks, I love them. They're such curious, friendly, calm birds. And Isaac is always with his ladies in their dusthole or just laying in the middle of them when they're chilling in the pen. If he's not, he stands up on the ramp to oversee their activities like a big white statue. He sure can strike some poses, that boy.
Kathy, they look great!!! It seems like you have been hatching like crazy this fall - you should try making a quilt with all your breeds represented-
My family has noticed it also, already with the chicks. They come up to us and sit in our hand and fall asleep. The others, like all I've ever had, see us and run into a huddle in the corner.

On a sad note ... I tossed the other eggs tonight. Some were developed most of the way, others only about 1/2 way. Happiness prevails .... I have 13 beautiful Delawares!
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