3 week old BO cockerels?


May 2, 2021
Hi all :frow

I currently have 7 BO chicks and am noticing some differences between some. I have 4 that have basically no tail feathers yet (just little pin feathers starting), and appear to stand taller than the others. The other 3 have 2-3 inch tails, and seem almost "fuller" when it comes to feathering. A few of the ones with no tail feathers almost appear to have a pinker comb and the beginning of wattles. What really caught my attention yesterday was that one was either attempting to clear his crop - or trying to crow. The whole lot was supposedly pullets. Does it sound like I may have some cockerels on my hands? Do BO's have distinctive characteristics separating pullets/cockerels at this age?

Will attempt to post a few pictures.
First photo is one of the chicks with the beginning of tail feathers. There are 4 like this

Second photo isn’t the clearest but it is of two chicks that are a little more feathered and have some tail feathers


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My BO feathered slowly, comb reddened quickly, wattles in at 6 weeks but just starting to get a tail. I'm sure he's a he

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