30 wk old EEs not laying....


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
I have 5 EE girls about 30 weeks old. One started laying about 18 weeks old. Another at about 21 weeks old. The other 3 have yet to produce one egg. They are in the same coop with 6 barred rocks of the same age. (They have been together since day old chicks). Barred rocks also laying just fine.

Plenty of room plenty next boxes to accommodate 11. They also free range. No real stressors that I can see. I have been watching them very closely when they are out to see if they are laying somewhere else. I even kept them cooped for an entire week last week and still nothing. I'm stumped.

Any advice?
EEs really vary widely as to when they start laying, even hatchery ones. If you are sure they are not hiding eggs, think you just have to be patient. One other thing, some EEs do lay brown eggs.
Can you post a pic of them?.. Mine is six months old and is still not laying either... I wanted to see if my Easter egger's face/ comb are developed like yours :D
Ah....thank you kelsie. I am 99% sure they are not laying elsewhere so I think I will have to excersize my nearly new ability to remain patient...acquired only thanks to my beloved chickens..LOL

And mrorpington....here are two photos....one who has never grown a "beard" but squats when I pet her. And one of the "twins" who are not laying yet.



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