30min to respond with opinion. 2 dozen eggs, 3 broodies, 1 nest.


10 Years
Dec 2, 2009
Leavenworth the "German Town"
i have 3 broodies sharing one doghouse "nest"

i have almost 2 dozen eggs. i plan to put under them. good idea for them to all "share"?

1 is a silkie, 1 buff orp. and 1 australorp. and they have been in there a week on golf balls together.

30 min to respond. going to place them soon.
I'd split them between them, they can then have playdates together when the babies come
I think for now you can let them all sit together. My BO seemed very tolerant of other hens in her nest, and one night I even found the rooster bedded down with her!!! But I would make some sort of divided pen and split them up just prior to the hatching date. Doesn't have to be fancy, just safe.
i have a separate dog kennel i can set the doghouse in... and i could try having one get comfortable in a dog crate.....

but i have learned they are quite stubborn.

if/when they do hatch what should i do? would the hens fight over the chick???
Try Craigslist or freecycle and see if you can get another crate or dog house. The chances are good that you'll have broken or cold eggs with the three of them shuffling around in there together. I have a 7x13 dog run that I've put mulitple broody hens in and they've done fine sharing it when the chicks hatch, but I make sure they have their own space for sitting on the eggs. Currently it has a dog house and an old rabbit hutch in it with a batch of chicks in each and they share the run area.

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