34-year-old horse

I have to agree with the last two posters ride the old guy not long not hard but every few days to start then see how he responds he may enjoy a bit on the trail
Agreed. I think he would love and he certainly deserves the attention. Keep more of his muscle tone but be careful of that arthritis. I'd go slow in the round pen or lunge line and see how he felt the next few days, then take that as my cue. Be sad to put him in more pain than is necessary. Does anyone use Bute-Less? (Herbal bute) We used it for our 28 year old Arabian who foundered and it worked pretty good keeping him away from the pain. Maybe after his workouts you could B-L him if he has discomfort to find your balance. BTW. What does the vet say????
Congrats on your almost/new horse. Does your 34 yo have other horses around? That would be a big booster. Would love a photo when you can :D and I hope it is a great match.
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At my barn, we have a gorgeous 31 year old OTTB mare. Her owner still lunges her and lightly rides her, and she does quite well. I believe in the condition he is in, you should be able to lightly right him. Like the others said, start with lunging and see how it goes! Good luck.
While I was waiting in the vet's office for my dog to be seen, I picked up a copy of the horse magazine Equus. There was an article in there about the importance of keeping arthritic and older horses moving. Gentle regular exercise helps with mobility. Just thought I would share.

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