3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

There have been a few things thrown around for names. What do you think of "RockinStock" because this is the Granite State?
That sounds appropriate. Other ideas (that don't flow as well):

Live Free With Chickens or Die-Stock
Old Man in the Mountain Stock (I know it fell off, but the reputation is still there)
Or how about GritStock, since grit is made from granite?

Thank you all for the Sharkie explanation. It makes sense now. I should have figured it out, because I have been watching the auctions, which is how I started thinking about driving to NH for hatching eggs.

While I can't commit until the date gets closer, I really want to try and make this event! I hope to find something I can donate to the auction. I do some metal sculpture (avatar), I do batik on t-shirts, and I was a dessert chef (is this a chocolate crowd?). Not to mention I am really wanting some hatching eggs for Marans, Brahmas, Icelandics, Ameraucanas, Olive Eggers, maybe even some of those nice Wyandottes. I guess I need to add on to the coop!
That sounds appropriate. Other ideas (that don't flow as well):

Live Free With Chickens or Die-Stock
Old Man in the Mountain Stock (I know it fell off, but the reputation is still there)
Or how about GritStock, since grit is made from granite?

Thank you all for the Sharkie explanation. It makes sense now. I should have figured it out, because I have been watching the auctions, which is how I started thinking about driving to NH for hatching eggs.

While I can't commit until the date gets closer, I really want to try and make this event! I hope to find something I can donate to the auction. I do some metal sculpture (avatar), I do batik on t-shirts, and I was a dessert chef (is this a chocolate crowd?). Not to mention I am really wanting some hatching eggs for Marans, Brahmas, Icelandics, Ameraucanas, Olive Eggers, maybe even some of those nice Wyandottes. I guess I need to add on to the coop!

Well i can tell you right now...you said chocolate...your in! You should be able to find all the eggs you need between all of us! Haha..again we love metal sculptures!!!!
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Perfect! Here I come with chocolate bribes!
I'd better get welding! Too bad it is so cold out there.

You had better make a LOT. This crowd loves Chocolate and all things yard art!!!

Did you see the fish? I thought we would have fights happening over them and I think she brought 5!
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