4 week old chick swollen crop?


Apr 6, 2023
Bluffton, Indiana
Hello new still pretty new to chickens and seeking help. One of my black copper marans has developed a large lump in his neck. The lump feels somewhat firm not really hard but not squishy. He is running around and seems to be feeling ok.
Yesterday they did get their first treat. My wife was cleaning strawberries and threw the tops to the main flock like she does with a lot of kitchen scraps. On her way out to the main flock she decided to give the babies a treat and dropped a few strawberries tops into the brooder. The chicks didn’t look to interested in them but we left them in the brooder so it’s likely that this chick did eat some of them later.

Also these chicks have recently been pulling feathers. I think that the feather pecking is do to crowding. I did move them into a larger pin and have a friend that wants to take some of the chicks to give mine more space per bird. And start her own flock.

Any advice is appreciated


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After reading several threads I held the chick on his back and gently massaged the lump in a circular motion. I could feel what I assume was chick starter crumple. The crop seemed to empty within just a minute or two. I have him separated to keep an eye on him. Hopefully it was not a big deal

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