4 years ago today!


Urban Desert Chicken Enthusiast
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 14, 2008
North Phoenix
My Coop
My Coop
Of course I grew up raising chickens from the time I was born on the farm until I left home.

Then, 4 years ago we built a chicken coop, and on this day, April 25th, 2008, (it was a Sunday in 2008), 26 little chickies arrived from Murray McMurray.

I've been hooked on chickens ever since.

I really need to take some pics and decide which ones I'm keeping and which ones have to go!
After New Years and Easter, of course I have too many and some of my hens from two years ago are getting older and will need to be retired.

Wonder what I'd do if I didn't have chickens?

I'd probably have more money in the bank, that is for certain.
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I'm right behind you, buddy!!!! We would probably have more money, but none of the joy they bring, watching chicks hatch, having fresh eggs, and the antics they present at feeding time. That is worth a lot more than money.
Mahonri, if you didn't have chickens you would most likely be like me....wishing you could once again have chickens and trying to figure out a way to make it work. And the extra money in the bank would still be earmarked for chickens anyway.

Happy chicken anniversary!
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More money in the bank does not mean happiness. A chick in the hand is worth more than the dollar in your wallet.
Chickens are so much fun, I can't imagine not having them. I have only had mine for about three years my anniversary is June, but they have become a major part of life in this household.
Happy Anniversary.

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