48 hrs since pip & zip - he's still in there! Help please...

TOL Chick

9 Years
May 4, 2010
Milford, MI
Hi - still hatching away here...

One of my little men has been pipped & zipped since midday Tuesday, now, 48 hrs later, he's still in there, about 1/3rd of the way out (leg,belly, etc) he looks like he's on his back and just can't get enough leverage to get himself out coz his one leg is already out...

He's peeping away, and breathing, I can see his beak, etc...

Do I do the deed and help him?

I second this! I have to help many out ..............go for it, you can do it
ok - now i'm crying - thanks for the encouragement...

can i get a bit more detail on "proper helping"? wet the membrane... I can start the hot / steamy shower room thing to do the work - as I still have a couple pips & zips happening with my second batch (staggered hatch)

I just pull them out, start the sink running warm, and hold them under making sure not to get the beak wet. Then put them back in the bator. If they get stuck like that they usually have membrane dried all over and won't fluff right unless washed off.
Hi All -

HE'S OUT & PEEPING LIKE CRAZY! I had to pull him out of the bator, wet/warm washcloth, dull tweezers - HOT/STEAMY bathroom and loosened the shell until I could get to the dried membrane on his back. Poor little angel was stuck to his shell between his wings & the back of his neck - no WONDER he could not get out!

I got him out by wetting the membrane, then gave him Nutri Drench for poultry for a bit of a vitamin boost - so I think he's ok for now.

His neck is a bit out of whack right now - but that is what laying on your back, stuck in your shell for 48+ hrs will do to a wee chick! I popped him into a clear plastic container (no top) and back into the bator - as the other little "peeps" were beating the crap out of him when I put him back in.

I will post pics as soon as hubby get's home with camera! Thanks again!

10 out + my little miracle man... 9 more to go!

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