4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

I'm in the same boat, so I got my wall clock and put it next to the incubator and then posted the video on YouTube setting the eggs into the incubator. hope this works. I have 3 more shipment of eggs. I hope these don't arrive frozen like the last two.

That's weird! I'm in PA and had eggs sent that took four days to get here, and none of them suffered any ill effects. That was with nighttime temps dipping below freezing as well. I have 7/7 serama eggs developing (one's behind the others though for some reason), though I'm not sure about the quail eggs. Looks like it might be something other than shipping problems if they don't hatch though. They were shipped in the same box as the seramas. Free eggs though, and 7/7 on seramas, so I'm quite happy!! :)
Didn't some of you say you would be sending me fun eggs to hatch just because I'm such a great person?
I'm just trying to figure out if I need to find more eggs as all of mine are sold through Saturday.
I have a silver pencil rock cockerel who is covering my layers. My layers are RIR, Orpington, Cornish
I'm not sure I got fully signed up? Yesterday I followed the link for sign up for NYDH
& it asked my byc login name which I entered, that was it!
No additional questions or anything...did I have a glitch & miss filling out something more detailed?
or will that come later?...
I'm not sure I got fully signed up? Yesterday I followed the link for sign up for NYDH
& it asked my byc login name which I entered, that was it!
No additional questions or anything...did I have a glitch & miss filling out something more detailed?
or will that come later?...

That was all you needed. There is another link in post #1 to guess how many eggs will be set.
I need some clarity.

I've been planning this hatch-a-long for several weeks. Keeping up on reading the posts (or trying to as it seems there are several pages added from morning to night) and when I read the first official rules there was nothing saying to set the eggs at local time of 12pm (in my case I'm hatching Turkey eggs and put them in on the 4th). So I symbolically set mine at midnight. Considering I solo run my little farm staying up to midnight was a pretty big deal!

Now after I posted I've gone back to read and someone said I wasn't suppose to set till 12pm local time? So are my turkey eggs now disqualified out of the hatch a long? I really don't remember seeing that as part of the rules when they first came out or I would of waited obviously till 12pm. Iike I said I've tried keeping up with the new posts and never thought about going back to look at page 1.

I'm trying to get my hens to cooperate and lay some chicken eggs as well so I can add them in for the 11th which now obviously will be put in at 12pm local time.

Thanks in advance!
I dont think you'll be disqualified Shelshanam. People have been setting as close to 12pm as possible, so not everyone is doing is exactly on the dot. I know I won't be able to set until 6pm because I can't get time off of work.
I need some clarity.

I've been planning this hatch-a-long for several weeks. Keeping up on reading the posts (or trying to as it seems there are several pages added from morning to night) and when I read the first official rules there was nothing saying to set the eggs at local time of 12pm (in my case I'm hatching Turkey eggs and put them in on the 4th).  So I symbolically set mine at midnight.  Considering I solo run my little farm staying up to midnight was a pretty big deal!

Now after I posted I've gone back to read and someone said I wasn't suppose to set till 12pm local time?  So are my turkey eggs now disqualified out of the hatch a long?  I really don't remember seeing that as part of the rules when they first came out or I would of waited obviously till 12pm.  Iike I said I've tried keeping up with the new posts and never thought about going back to look at page 1.

I'm trying to get my hens to cooperate and lay some chicken eggs as well so I can add them in for the 11th which now obviously will be put in at 12pm local time.

Thanks in advance!

You're fine. The noon is just for 1 contest.
I dont think you'll be disqualified Shelshanam. People have been setting as close to 12pm as possible, so not everyone is doing is exactly on the dot. I know I won't be able to set until 6pm because I can't get time off of work.

WHAT?! They won't let you off? You must not have told them that it was for as important of a reason as putting eggs in the incubator, lol.

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