4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

~ Hatched ~

I hatched a little fluff ball
as cute as can be,
I held her, I loved her,
I even let her sleep with me,

She was such a little blessing,
when she came running to me,
Oh, how swiftly she had grown,
she was just sweet as can be!

Then one morning, unbeknownst to me,
When my little darling came running,
She was now a He!

I miss those snuggle mornings,
but alas it was not to be,
Now I have a BIG boy,
just to CROW with me!


psssss its my short story in a poem.... anyone know where to put it? or is it not open yet? gotta do a drawing yet!
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I just went to go check on my bator temps and humidity. I decided to do a quick candeling and just grabbed 4 random eggs. Out of the 4, 3 were developing. So tomorrow I will candle them all and see how they look.
I have seramas developing!!!! Most of the 20 eggs have obvious development and I can't tell in the rest. I can see development in more of my eggs than yesterday, so Red might be staying. I don't think Freddie's eggs are fertile. It would make sense seeing as she spends most of her time on the roost with our younger crippled roo.

I still think we should only be able to use markers for the egg art contest. I want at least a small chance of winning and it seems fairer with the current rules.
I wont be able to get any eggs until spring. We have no place for them right now (before buying any animal we always have the proper place for them and a place to buy feed.
but i will PM you when I should want to buy some!

Sounds good, that is a good habit to get into. : )

OMGoodness! I just put my 5 ducklings up on Craigslist (sad!!), and I just got a text and here is what it said: Do you have pics...and do u have to bottle feed ducks" Um, I'm not sure if I feel comfortable selling my ducklings to this person. Humm... They have to pass the "Duck Test" before I sell them by babies! LOL

I asked them if they'd ever raised any type of poultry/waterfowl before...Nope! I told them if they have a a local TSC go visit with them and they'll fix you up with duck supplies, and I also gave them a link to BYC. I told them when they get READY for ducklings to give me a holler. I'd have some more for sale NYD. : )

~ Aspen
So all you early candlers have me trying too.

Tonight (This time wearing the dreaded Granny Glasses!)
using a diff. flashlight.

Egg W -- The Love-child egg <- story to be posted if candles ok day 10...
- I believe I SAW SOMETHING, something like a tiny backwards C and some red veins spidering out of it , almost like a crack in then eggshell might look, but not (I hope).

Then excited I re-looked at the 5 light colored eggs from the 22 I bought
not soo good...maybe Egg E had some spec in there, maybe it was just wishfulness on my part.

The others were mainly clear, except 2 that had a sort of cloudiness which I don't think was a finger shadow, I think it was actually sort of globy looking in an around the egg way
not like the pics of the dreaded blood-rings, not a think line, rather a wide darker area that I'm pretty sure was not just a trick of the light/shadow but actually a denser part of egg w/out any veins
So anybody know what I'm talking about here??

I also tried 1 of the lightest of the dark choc. eggs - clear.

All these 22 eggs were bought, from a pen w/ 6 hens 1 BCM Roo, very very nice looking all, but I'm starting to wonder if Mr. Roo was doing his duty ??

I imagine the advice is wait and see...
FeyRaine (the not so good at waiting)

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