5 weeks old, worried I have a lot of roos!


In the Brooder
Feb 22, 2015
Want to take a guess? These are 5 week old mixed breeds. I ordered the eggs off of Ebay, and the seller had a ton of different breeds, so who knows what these are mixed with! But I am starting to worry about the combs, are 5 week olds supposed to have combs like this? What are your thoughts? The only one I'm sure of is number 3, since he already started to crow (or attempt to, anyway!)

Seeing as I really wanted more than 2 pullets to add to my flock, should I order some more eggs for hatching now or give it a few more weeks to make sure these are all really roos? Or is it really obvious they are all cockerels?
Debating if I want to reorder more eggs and risk getting all roos again, or just order some sexed day old chicks from a hatchery. Seriously, that is so discouraging to get so many roos!!

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