50 Birds murdered and not eaten(Graphic Pics) Caught me a killer!

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Sounds like a fisher cat. If you see it, go back to your home. It can attack. Other possibility : wolverine if you live up north.
GREAT.....could this fisher/weasel/coon/skunk/beast--hurt the dogs if I leave them out??? Could it be rabid??? Yikes--I need a trapper


I just feel like crying--but I have too many birds to process...keep me in prayer.

Thank you everyone...but I need to get busy making sense of this and salvaging what I can

Your neighbors have a pet fox?

Yes, and I feel so sorry for him. He is in a longish, not tall cage and other than feeding him (probably dry cat food, that is what they fed the ferret I got from them, and she died in a month!) they don't pay a bit of attention to him. I doubt if she could turn him lose, as he wouldn't know how to survive. She also have a Golden Pheasant that is just absolutely gorgeous, but his mate got away and he is all alone too. I hate to think of animals being all alone with no one to "talk" too, being caged day in and day out.
With all the rain we have had check for tracks in and around the run.
Any clues would be helpful at this point. I have a number for a trapper if you need it.~K
What are you processing them for?

Also, depending on the size of the dogs, it may be better to leave them in. You need to see if there are any trappers in your area. They can help.

There bodies will be helpful in capturing their killer. If you know anyone who fishes, they can use the meat. Perhaps, you can freeze them and give them in exhange to the trapper that comes out to helps. He could use them to help other people in capturing predators.

I'm sorry, I know it seems like such a waste. You can find another use for them, but human consumption is out of the question. If my dogs were still on the raw diet, I would use them for the dogs, but even that is questionable. Use them for fishing bait, trap bait, and fertilizer.

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I am processing for a pet expo in two weeks. People will use it for their pets on the BARF diet. I was expecting to only use necks, backs, offal etc from processing some roos and the meaties in 2 weeks--but now this happened.

But on a happier note--God does hear all prayers. A local hatchery called about my order for fall meaties for the end of August and said they have an overhatch and asked if I would like to pick them up...they have 50 extra birds...God is always good....

Thank you for the prayers.


By the way--anyone know where I can get the solar powered netting and Can I run it over the top of their runs? They free range all day every day and only go in at night and I haven't locked them in their coops because it has been soo hot lately...that and I thought they were safe inside the run.
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