6 week old chicken grabbed at neck by dog


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2015
Last night a visiting golden retriever grabbed one of our chicken's head as she stuck it out of the cage we had her in. I've separated her and she is still breathing but not able to stand up.

I'm new to raising chickens. I'm trying to determine if she is paralyzed or just badly wounded and needs time to recover? If we need to put her down what is the best way to go about this?

We were told she and the other 5 we bought were pullets but the breed we are not sure. I'm guessing she's a leghorn.

Please only respond with helpful suggestions my daughter is quite distraught.
Welcome to our forum, and sorry that an event like this was what brought you here.

Chickens commonly go into a sort of shock when injured or sick. It is possible that some rest and quiet in a comfortable place will allow her to heal. If she is not injured too seriously and survives the first 24 hours or so, she should begin to eat and drink.

My preference is cutting off the head because it is instant. In a brand new chick you can even do this with scissors, but this one will probably require something like a meat cleaver or small ax. Use a device, not your fingers, to hold the head still (for adult chickens, the classic is two nails pounded partway in the top of a tree stump. so that the head does not move to either side.) There are many threads in the meat birds forum that discuss other ways to do the deed.

Thank you for your helpful response! The chick lasted 2 days and we buried it. We've ended up buying 5 more chicks.
So sorry. If it''s any consolation, dogs are among the top 2 or 3 chicken predators. Sadly, in may cases it's the family dog. Being a retriever, it probably wasn't even trying to hurt the chick, but to retrieve it.

Meanwhile, I am amused that you have already been touched by BYC's famous "chicken math!"

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