7 Months Old and they are FINALLY all laying! And other "firsts" on this lovely chicken journey

My Very First 6 Chickens

*~* Livin', Lovin', Learnin' *~*
May 5, 2021
It took awhile, first there was only 1 of my 6 GLW's gals laying, then, 2 chickens laying and then 3. i was averaging 3 eggs a day for about 2-3 weeks. Yesterday was the first day I had 6 eggs! One from each gal! (I think?) One chicken wouldnt lay more than one egg at a time would she?? I dont know, but, I got these girls 5/2/21 and have been living everyday waiting patiently for this day to come.
Its been an interesting journey so far and my emotions yesterday after getting 6 eggs was one of pure joy and feeling proud. All my hard work with these gals is paying off. i have a feeling i will still get eggs through our New England winter, but we shall see. I am nervous about the winter season especially the heated waterer since it will be my first go at it and am nervous about something being plugged in, but I will stay alert. Thanks again to all of the chicken pros out there. I truly would have been a basket case without all of your knowledge, and more importantly, your compassion and genuine help and guidance.

To touch and hold my baby chicks or not (i didnt hold them enough and now wish I had) i was nervous to hurt them
concerns with pasty butt (thankfully they never got it)
concerns with brooder temp (watched their behavior with the heat lamp and adjusted accordingly)
wondering why they were laying on their side flapping their wings all around (dust bathing)
concerns why they were laying on their side with their wings all spread out (sun bathing)
Why are they not using the roost was a fun one. That took 9 weeks (they eventually just figured it out on their own - amazing)
Hot summer weather was a scary time but cold water with ice, an added wadding pool, and frozen fruit got us through the 90+ degrees
when my gals cushion comb was almost entirely ripped off. she is doing fine now and has acquired the name Patient. she lived inside the house for a full week while she recovered. she was my patient. (thanks Dobielover)
Full Crops had me nervous as a big bulge was certainly not normal (its normal, just check that its not full when first waking up)
Currently I am learning, by telling myself not to worry when its super super cold outside. They are going to be fine. they are not humans and actually do better in the cold than in the heat!
I have already learned what I need to do in the spring for mods to the coop. (adding cutouts above the roosts in addition to the ridge vent)

Just a great big thank you to all my chicken pros! This holiday season and always actually, I will include you lovely souls in my gratitude prayers because I couldnt have made it this far without you. your genuine considerations for the safety of peoples flocks helps noobs like me and I think you all are compassionate, down to earth awesome people. I still envision a scene where we are all together in real life hanging out and going nuts on the topic of chickens.
HAPPY, HEALTHY, HENS Thats what I wanted, and thats what I got......... Thanks to all of my Chicken experts! words cannot express! Now I'll head outside and watch my gals "Dig to China"!

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