7 week old chick got scratch on comb and her sister attacked her because of the blood


Jul 30, 2021
I was out in the barn when it happened. I'm not sure how exactly she scratched her comb. I am guessing it was trying to squeeze places she has become too large to fit. The initial scratch was very small and shallow but it bled a tiny bit and her sister who had up until this point never showed any aggression tried to peck her face off.
Thankfully the injuries were very small, and her eyes were not harmed at all. She has slept in the house the past few nights in her cage next to my new babies, (whole she loves to chatter with lol) and spent the days in the pen her and sisters have slept in since momma stopped mother henning.
I have been giving her supervised sister run around time and two of the sisters show no interest in her wounds (they are scabbed over and healing quite well but still prominently visible) but scarlet, the one who attacked her keeps posturing and flaring her neck feathers like she is going to attack, so I run her off and make sure to keep right there watching.
Will they just never get along again? Or will it stop when the wounds are gone and not visible to her sister anymore? How can I encourage reintegration? I have been putting scarlet (the aggressor) in the pen, and allowing happy feet (the victim) to run around safely with her sisters for periods of time show is not locked away from them constantly and end up having that cause issues between them as well.
I have never had this happen in my almost 13 years with my chickens, so I'm hoping that someone here will have some advice on how to get everyone back together safely. Thank you.
Is it possible that scarlet is a a cockerel? Try separating scarlet for a day or two to knock her down a peg.
I'm 99.999% sure that scarlet is a she. She never showed ANY aggression whatsoever or even was the most dominant of the sisters, and even now shows zero aggression or posturing towards the other two sisters. but she saw blood and just went for her.
I was thinking now that happy feet is healed enough I'm not super concerned about infection anymore, it's not fair for her to be in jail lol. So the meanie is the one who is gonna stay put away from the others for now. I just hope that they can all be back together again soon and happy.
Not to mention I think happy feet is starting to think she is and should be a house chicken lol.

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