8 month old brahma pullet has not laid in 5 days. 7 hens total and all six others have been laying.


8 Years
Nov 7, 2011
Island County WA
She is otherwise healthy and well in appearance and behavior. Her last egg fell out on the ground and was thin shelled and more round than a typical egg shape. We have checked to see if she is bound and there is no egg. I look around every day for evidence of egg eating and there is none. I hope she is just taking a break and will soon lay better eggs.
Some times they take breaks from laying. My 10 month old EE just started laying again after a six week break. The breeds who are the lighter layers seam to do it more.
Brahmas are not known for being spectacular layers. Plus, if she's just started laying, it's pretty common for laying to be sporadic at first. Or all those funky soft shelled or non shelled eggs, or the weird shapes. It's all good, her system will figure it out.
Brahmas are not known for being spectacular layers. Plus, if she's just started laying, it's pretty common for laying to be sporadic at first. Or all those funky soft shelled or non shelled eggs, or the weird shapes. It's all good, her system will figure it out.

thanks i hope shes okay
Hens are not egg laying machines, they are individuals. I wouldn't worry. Just keep a general eye on her health (crop full in evening/empty morning, no swelling in abdomen, no mites or lice) I'm sure she'll be fine.

My 4 year old Brahmas take 6 months off for winter, then lay 1 egg every few days in the summer. I swear laying less often helps them live longer!

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