A Beautiful Male Cayuga Duck


9 Years
Oct 27, 2010
New Jersey
I have a beautiful male cayuga duck named Martin who was actually a sort of rescue. And I love him very much but i think he would be happier with other ducks and with more room to run around and swim. He really is a great duck, he's quiet and friendly, but he needs more room that i cant give him. If anyone lives in New Jersey or close to that area and knows of someone who would give him a good home i would love to get in contact with them. His name is Martin by the way and he is not even a whole year yet. If you are interested and would like pictures i would love to send them to you

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Martin is simply gorgeous. I hope he does find a great home. There is also a for sale area in this forum- Other Poultry - Birds & Hatching Eggs- For Sale
you could try posting there as well if you have no response from the people who visit the duck forum.
He is incredibly handsome. I wish you were closer. I've developed quite a fondness for ducks. My cayuga hen greets me every morning! They're a great breed.
Thankyou so much. These pictures were taken when he was a little younger, he now has his curled tail feathers in but from these pictures I can see how he might not look like a drake. by the way he is still looking for a new forever home better suited for him. I've fern pretty attached to him but I know he would be happier in a place with other ducks and more room. So please if you are interested dong hesitate to contact me. Thankyou
Martin has found a new home thanks to my new friend Lisa! He now has lots of chicken, geese, and duck friends and plenty of room to move around and swim.
I am so happy to have met you and your Mom. Martin and Max are going to be grear friends. What is funny is he is sleeping in the coop with my Buff Orpington hens. Nobody is messing with him at all, he is such a sweet boy and I am so very glad he has come to live with us.


He would make a wonderful house duck. lol

love from Martin and Max snd me

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