A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.


Any idea what kind they are?


I think the only thing I have to do left to do is level off the box and lean it fowerd.

dose this look right. I don't want them to get hurt or die. My husband and I have 5 acres I am trying to make it as homestead as possible. I have quail,pheasants, chickens, ducks, to . I really like the bee's and feel very comfortable with them. My husband not so much lol he thinks I'm crazy.

That is so exciting, sorry I can't help you we get our first nucs on April 6th. I have been studying like crazy. If no one replies. There is a lot of info on YouTube. We have been attending meetings at a local bee keeping association. We will be going to our 2nd one tomorrow evening. Best of luck to you.
That is so exciting, sorry I can't help you we get our first nucs on April 6th. I have been studying like crazy. If no one replies. There is a lot of info on YouTube. We have been attending meetings at a local bee keeping association. We will be going to our 2nd one tomorrow evening. Best of luck to you.

Ool , I've been scouring the net to lol. Im so happy.


I've checked them 50 times today. Lol
Thank u so much. I am super excited about this hole thing. I really think it will be a ton of fun. These Italian bee seems very dosil they are pretty calm.
Yep, Italian Bees are very friendly and they do good in warmer weather. As I can see, they are flying and collecting, so you are def. in a part of the world where winter is mild or already over. If you want to help your bees and wildlife you could plant some herbal and flower patches. Mixes with Sainfoin, Borage, Thym, Winter Savory, Sage, Hyssop, Bee Balm, Buckwheat and Phacelia help deer and bees to stay healthy.
I'm looking for any ancient, unused old Lang hive bodies here in WV if anyone out there in this state or right across the border into OH has some they could sell real cheap. I'm thinking about making me a Lang long hive/top bar hybrid and using it to bait in some wild bees. Trying to do this on the real cheap, thus the need for older equipment.

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